Tunnel access point group settings
To modify the tunnel peer access points and the core group access points that belong to this access point group. A tunnel access point group defines the access points that a set of core groups use to communicate with each other, even though they reside on opposite sides of a firewall. Access points can be either tunnel peer access points or core group access points. The core group access points enable core groups in the same cell to communicate with each other. Tunnel peer access points enable core groups residing outside of the firewall to communicate with core groups residing inside of the firewall.
A tunnel access point group must include at least one core group access point to represent a core group in the local cell. If the access point group is located outside of a firewall, it must also contain at least one tunnel peer access point that represents a core group that is part of a cell that is located inside of the firewall.
To access this admin console page ...
Servers > Core Groups > Core group bridge settings > Tunnel access point groups tunnel_access_point_group_name.
From this page, we can edit the core group access points or the tunnel peer access points that belong to the selected tunnel access point group.
- Name
Name of the tunnel access point group. The name of a tunnel access point group must be unique within a cell.
- Member communication key
Name that core group members use to establish communication with other core group members defined as part of this tunnel access point group.
The default value is the name of the tunnel access point group.
- Access points
Click Core group access points to define core group access points as part of this tunnel access point group. Click Tunnel peer access points to define tunnel peer access points as part of this tunnel access point group.
Related tasks
Set communication with a core group residings on a DMZ Secure Proxy Server for IBM WAS
Related information
Tunnel peer access point settings