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Tuning HotSpot Java virtual machines (Solaris & HP-UX)

The architecture of the Sun-developed, HP-ported HotSpot JVM has evolved differently than the IBM-developed software development kit (SDK.) Its internal structure, for young or old generation and permanent regions, arises to primarily support generational garbage collection, as well as other garbage collection modes as necessary.

Tuning the Sun HotSpot JVM is an iterative process where the JVM configuration is developed, data gathered, primarily from verbosegc data, and then analyzed, and any configuration revisions applied on the next cycle. Perform one or more of the following steps to tune the Sun HotSpot JVM.



Next steps

Gather and analyze data to evaluate the configuration, typically using verbosegc. Continue to gather and analyze data as you make tuning changes until we are satisfied with how the JVM is performing.

Sun HotSpot JVM tuning parameters (Solaris and HP-UX)


Related tasks

Tuning the application serving environment