Set the WS-Transaction spec level using the wsadmin tool
Configure the default WS-Transaction spec level to use for outbound requests that include a Web Services Atomic Transaction (WS-AT) or Web Services Business Activity (WS-BA) coordination context.
WAS ND v7.0 supports both the WS-Transaction 1.1 and the WS-Transaction 1.0 specifications, but when an outbound request is sent, only one specification level can be used. The default WS-Transaction spec level is used if the spec level that the server requires cannot be determined from the provider policy (the WS-Transaction WS-Policy assertion). This situation might occur when the policy assertion is not available either from the WS-Transaction policy type of the client or from the WSDL of the target Web service. Also, this situation might occur when the policy assertion is available, but the client and the target Web service support both spec levels.
For details of the specifications, see Web Services Atomic Transaction support in the appserver and Web Services Business Activity support in the appserver.
We can set the default WS-Transaction spec level by using wsadmin, as described in this task, or by using the admin console and configuring the relevant transaction property for the appserver.
- Launch wsadmin using Jython.
- Retrieve the configuration ID of the transaction service.
In Jacl, use the following code example:
set txService $AdminConfig list TransactionServiceIn Jython, use the following code example:
txService = AdminConfig.list("TransactionService")- Modify the WSTransactionSpecificationLevel attribute to the value you require. In Jacl, to configure the server to use WS-Transaction 1.1, use the following code example:
$AdminConfig modify $txService {{WSTransactionSpecificationLevel WSTX_11}}In Jython, to configure the server to use WS-Transaction 1.0, use the following code example:
AdminConfig.modify ($txService,[["WSTransactionSpecificationLevel", "WSTX_10"]])- Save the configuration changes. See Saving configuration changes with wsadmin.
- In a network deployment environment only, synchronize the node. See Synchronizing nodes with wsadmin.
we have configured the default WS-Transaction spec level for the server.
Related tasks
Saving configuration changes with wsadmin
Synchronizing nodes with wsadmin
Set transaction properties for an appserver
Use WS-Transaction policy to coordinate transactions or business activities for Web services
Set the runtime transaction service using scripting