Set read-read consistency checking with an assembly tool
Read-read consistency checking only applies to LifeTimeInCache beans whose data is read from another transaction. For the Access Intents that are for repeatable read (RR), this means WAS checks that the data is consistent with that in the data store, and ensures that no one updates it after the checking.
For the access intents that are for read committed (RC), this means WAS checks that the data is consistent at the point of checking, it does not guarantee that the data does not change after the checking. This makes the behavior of the LifeTimeInCache bean the same as non-LifeTimeInCache beans.
To perform this checking, we need to configure CMP entity beans with read-read consistency checking. We can do this using an assembly tool. To learn how to complete this task see the topic, "Adding bean-level access intent for entity beans 2.x" in the assembly tool documentation at
Example: Read-read consistency checking