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Set client information traces with the admin console

Use one of two WAS trace groups to pass client information to a database.

The WAS.clientinfo and WAS.clientinfopluslogging traces pass client data on every connection that originates from the same data source.


  1. Open the admin console.

  2. Select Troubleshooting.

  3. Select Log and Trace.

  4. Select the server you want to use.

  5. Select Change log detail levels.

  6. Select the Configuration or Run time tab.

  7. In the Trace Specification entry field, type WAS.clientinfopluslogging=all.

    This starts the WAS.clientinfopluslogging trace, which passes the client information to the backend data store (if the database supports receiving client information in this manner) and logs important client activities. Type WAS.clientinfo=all to pass client information to the backend without tracing of client activities. To deactivate either trace, simply type the trace group name followed by =off (without spacing between characters).

Unshareable and shareable connections


Related tasks

Passing client information to a database



Implicitly set client information