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Set audit service providers using scripting

Before enabling security auditing, use this task to configure audit service providers using wsadmin. Security auditing provides tracking and archiving of auditable events.

Before configuring security audit service providers, enable administrative security in the environment.

In order to enable security auditing in the environment, configure an audit service provider. The audit service provider writes the audit records and data to the back-end repository associated with the service provide implementation. The security auditing configuration provides a default service provider. Use this topic to customize the security auditing subsystem by creating additional audit service providers.

Use the following steps to configure the security auditing subsystem using wsadmin:


  1. Launch the wsadmin scripting tool using the Jython scripting language.

  2. Set an audit service provider. Use the default binary-based audit service provider, or use this step to create a new audit service provider.

    There are binary file-based and third-party audit service providers. In addition to the default binary file-based service provider, we can configure a third-party audit service provider.

    Choose the type of audit service provider to create.

    • Use the createBinaryEmitter command and the following required parameters to create a default audit service provider:

      Table 1. Command parameters

      Parameter Description Data Type Required
      -uniqueName Specifies a unique name that identifies the audit service provider. String Yes
      -className Class implementation of the audit service provider interface. String Yes
      -fileLocation File location for the audit service provider to write the audit logs. String Yes
      -auditFilters Specifies a reference or a group of references to predefined audit filters, using the following format: reference, reference, reference String Yes
      -maxFileSize Maximum size each audit log reaches before the system saves it with a timestamp and creates a new file. Specify the file size in megabytes. If we do not specify this parameter, the system sets the maximum file size to 10 megabytes. Integer No
      -maxLogs Maximum number of audit logs to create before rewriting the oldest log. If we do not specify this parameter, the system allows up to 100 audit logs before overwriting the oldest log. Integer No

      The following example creates a new audit service provider in the security auditing configuration:

      AdminTask.createBinaryEmitter('-uniqueName newASP -className com.ibm.ws.security.audit.BinaryEmitterImpl -fileLocation /AUDIT_logs -auditFilters "AuditSpecification_1173199825608, AuditSpecification_1173199825609, AuditSpecification_1173199825610, AuditSpecification_1173199825611"')

    • Use the createThirdPartyEmitter command to use a third-party audit service provider. Use the following parameters with the createThirdPartyEmitter command:

      Table 2. Command parameters

      Parameter Description Data Type Required
      -uniqueName Specifies a unique name that identifies the audit service provider. String Yes
      -className Class implementation of the audit service provider interface. String Yes
      -eventFormatterClass Class that implements how the audit event is formatted for output. If we do not specify this parameter, the system uses the standard text format for output. String Yes
      -auditFilters Specifies a reference identifier or a group of reference identifiers to pre-defined audit filters, using the following format: reference, reference, reference. String Yes
      -customProperties Specifies any custom properties that might be required to configure a third party audit service provider. String No

      The following example creates a new third party audit service provider in the security auditing configuration:

      AdminTask.createThirdPartyEmitter('-uniqueName myAuditServiceProvider -className com.mycompany.myclass -fileLocation /auditLogs -auditFilters "AuditSpecification_1173199825608, AuditSpecification_1173199825609, AuditSpecification_1173199825610, AuditSpecification_1173199825611"')

  3. Save the configuration changes...



What to do next

Enable security auditing in the environment.


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Set auditable events using scripting
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Set security auditing using scripting
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AuditEmitterCommands for AdminTask
AuditEventFactoryCommands for AdminTask