Set additional HTTP transport properties using the wsadmin command-line tool
Configure additional HTTP transport properties for Java™ API for XML-based RPC (JAX-RPC) Web services with the wsadmin command-line tool.
The wsadmin tool provides the ability to run scripts. Use wsadmin to manage a WAS installation, as well as configuration, application deployment, and server run-time operations. The WAS only supports the Jacl and Jython scripting languages.
See about wsadmin options, review Options for the AdminApp object install, installInteractive, edit, editInteractive, update, and updateInteractive commands
This task is one of three ways that we can configure additional HTTP transport properties for a Web Service acting as a client to another Web service. We can also configure the additional HTTP transport properties in the following ways:
- Configure the properties with an assembly tool
- Configuring additional HTTP transport properties using the JVM custom property panel in the admin console
To programmatically configure the properties using the JAX-RPC model or the JAX-WS model, review the JAX-RPC or JAX-WS specifications. For a complete list of the supported standards and specifications, see the Web services specifications and API documentation. For more information about the following HTTP properties that we can configure, read about HTTP custom properties for Web services applications:
- http.proxyHost
- http.proxyPort
- https.proxyHost
- https.proxyPort
- http.nonProxyHosts - We can only configure this property as a JVM custom property. This property applies for both HTTP and HTTPS connections.
These additional properties are configured for Web services applications that use the HTTP protocol. The properties affect the content encoding of the message in the HTTP request, the HTTP response, the HTTP connection persistence and the behavior of an HTTP request that is resent after a error occurs when there is a read time-out.
Set the additional HTTP properties with wsadmin by following steps provided in this task section:
- Launch a scripting command.
- At the wsadmin command prompt, enter the command syntax.
Use install, installInteractive, edit, editInteractive, update, and updateInteractive commands.
- If configuring the property, use the WebServicesServerCustomProperty command option.
- Set all other properties using WebServicesClientCustomProperty command option.
- Save the configuration changes with the $AdminConfig save command.
we have configured HTTP transport properties for a Web services application.
The following illustrates an example of the Jython script syntax:
AdminApp.edit ( 'PlantsByWebSphere', '[ -WebServicesClientCustomProperty [[PlantsByWebSphere.war "" service/FrontGate_SEIService FrontGate http.proxyHost+http.proxyPort myhost+80]]]') ( 'WebServicesSamples', '[ -WebServicesServerCustomProperty [[AddressBookW2JE.jarAddressBookService AddressBook http.proxyHost+http.proxyPort myhost+80]]]')
The following illustrates an example of the Jacly script syntax:
$AdminApp edit PlantsByWebSphere { -WebServicesClientCustomProperty {{PlantsByWebSphere.war {} service/FrontGate_SEIService FrontGate http.proxyHost+http.proxyPort myhost+80 }}} $AdminConfig save $AdminApp edit WebServicesSamples {-WebServicesServerCustomProperty {{AddressBookW2JE.jar AddressBookService AddressBook http.proxyHost+http.proxyPort myhost+80}}} $AdminConfig save' To convert these examples from edit to install, add .ear to form a file name, and add any extra keywords for deployment, like -usedefaultbindings and -deployejb.
Related tasks
Set additional HTTP transport properties for JAX-RPC Web services with an assembly tool
Set additional HTTP transport properties using the JVM custom property panel in the admin console
Set a Web services client to access resources using a Web proxy
HTTP transport custom properties for Web services applications
Web services specifications and APIs