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Set HTTP outbound TLS using Java properties

Configure the HTTP outbound TLS for a Web service using Java properties

The configuration specified in the binding takes precedence over the Java properties.

We can configure the HTTP outbound transport-level security using WebSphere SSL properties or JSSE SSL properties. However, the WebSphere SSL properties take precedence over the JSSE SSL properties.


HTTP outbound transport-level security

  1. Create a property file that includes the following properties:

    com.ibm.ssl.protocol com.ibm.ssl.keyStoreType com.ibm.ssl.keyStore com.ibm.ssl.keyStorePassword com.ibm.ssl.trustStoreType com.ibm.ssl.trustStore com.ibm.ssl.trustStorePassword

  2. Set the com.ibm.webservices.sslConfigURL Java system property to the absolute path of the created property file. If no WebSphere SSL properties are defined, the JSSE SSL properties are used. Set the JSSE SSL properties as JVM custom properties.


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