Topic Mapping [Settings]

The mapping between a topic on the service integration bus and a stream queue and subscription point provided by a WebSphere MQ broker.

To view this pane in the console...

Service integration > Buses > bus_name > [Topology] Messaging engines > engine_name > [Additional properties] WebSphere MQ links > link_name > [Additional Properties] Publish/subscribe broker profiles > profile_name > [Additional Properties] Topic mappings > mapping_name .

Configuration tab

The Configuration tab shows configuration properties for this object. These property values are preserved even if the runtime environment is stopped then restarted. See the information center task descriptions for information about how to apply configuration changes to the runtime environment.


General Properties


Topic name

The name of the topic on the service integration bus. The name must be the same as the topic name on the message broker in a WebSphere MQ network. We can specify wildcard characters in topic name strings.



Data type



Topic space

The name of the topic space that contains the topic.



Data type

drop-down list



Whether the mapping is for publishing message flows in both directions, or only to, or only from, WebSphere MQ.



Data type

drop-down list



Messages flow in both directions between the bus and WebSphere MQ.

To WebSphere MQ

Messages flow only from the bus to WebSphere MQ.

That is, from WAS to a message broker in the WebSphere MQ network.

From WebSphere MQ

Messages flow only to the bus from WebSphere MQ.

That is, from a message broker in the WebSphere MQ network to WAS.


Broker stream queue

The name of the stream queue at the message broker in a WebSphere MQ network.

The broker stream queue in this instance is a queue on the WebSphere MQ queue manager to which the message broker is connected. This queue is being used as the input node for a message flow containing a publication node. Messages sent to this queue are processed by the message broker, then published to applications that have subscribed on the topic specified in the message.

Stream names are case sensitive.

After you type a new name, then save the changes, the name becomes available for selection in the drop-down list.



Data type



Subscription point

The name of the WebSphere MQ broker subscription point that the topic consumes messages from. Type the name of the WebSphere MQ message broker subscription point from which the service integration bus receives messages.

After you type a new name, then save the changes, the name becomes available for selection in the drop-down list.



Data type


Last updated Nov 10, 2010 8:23:07 PM CST