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Portlet container custom properties

Configure name-value pairs of data, where the name is a property key and the value is a string value that we can use to set internal system configuration properties. Defining a new property enables you to configure a setting beyond that which is available in the admin console.

The following is a list of the available Portlet container custom properties.

To specify Portlet container custom properties:

  1. In the admin console click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_name > Portlet Container Settings > Portlet container.

  2. Under Additional Properties select Custom Properties.

  3. On the Custom Properties page, click New.

  4. On the settings page, enter the name of the custom property that you want to configure in the Name field and the value to set it to in the Value field.

  5. Click Apply or OK.

  6. Click Save on the console task bar to save the configuration changes.

  7. Restart the server.

Following is a list of custom properties provided with the appserver.


Use short names for Portlet and PortletApplication MBeans

Portlet MBeans are registered by both their short name and full name. To enable the use of short MBean names, create the following name-value pair:

Name Value
useShortMBeanNames true

The default is false. MBeans registered by the full identifiable name, have the following format:

<ApplicationName>#<WARfilename.war>_portlet.<portlet_name> for the Portlet MBean
<ApplicationName>#<WARfilename.war>_portlet for the PortletApplication MBean

where <..> is replaced by the corresponding application data. For example, SampleApplication#SamplePortlet.war_portlet.SamplePortlet.


Related tasks

Task overview: Managing portlets



Portlet and PortletApplication MBeans