Monitor the performance of Web services applications
We can monitor the performance of a Web service that is implemented in the WAS using PMI tooling.
Use the PMI to measure the time required to process Web services requests. To monitor the performance of a Web services application, follow the steps in this task:
- Enable PMI services in an appserver through the admin console. Select the Web module named webServicesModule in step 7.
- Monitor performance with Tivoli Performance Monitor In the left pane of the performance view, expand the host and server. Select Web Services. Run the Web services client application.
PMI provides detailed statistics that can help you gain clear insight into the runtime behavior and performance of Web services. Performance counters enable you to see key performance data for each individual Web service including:
- The number of requests dispatched to an implementation bean
- The number of requests dispatched with successful replies
- The average time in milliseconds to process full requests
- The average time in milliseconds between receiving the request and dispatching it to the bean
- The average time in milliseconds between the dispatch and receipt of a reply from the bean. This represents the time spent in business logic.
- The average time in milliseconds between the receipt of a reply from a bean to the return of a result to the client
- The average size of the SOAP request
- The average size of the SOAP reply
To read about other Web services PMI counters, see PMI data organization.
What to do next
If having problems with the Web services applications, read about problems and solutions in Troubleshooting Web services.
Web services performance best practices
Related tasks
Tuning the application serving environment
Enable PMI
Monitor performance with Tivoli Performance Viewer (TPV)
Web services client to Web container optimized communication