Login mappings
Login mappings are found in ibm-webservices-bnd.xmi and define how the WS-Security handler maps the <ValueType> element contained within the security token extracted from the message header, to the corresponding authentication method.
The <ValueType> element is contained within the security token extracted from a SOAP message header.
The information in this article supports V5.x applications only that are used with WAS V6.0.x and later. The information does not apply to V6 and later applications.
The sender-side WS-Security handler generates and attaches security tokens based on the <AuthMethods> element specified in the deployment descriptor. For example, if the authentication method is BasicAuth, the sender-side security handler generates and attaches UsernameToken (with both user name and password) to the SOAP message header. The Web services security run time uses the Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) javax.security.auth.callback.CallbackHandler interface as a security provider to generate security tokens on the client side (or when Web services is acting as client).
The sender security handler invokes the handle() method of a javax.security.auth.callback.CallbackHandler interface implementation. This implementation creates the security token and passes the token back to the sender security handler. The senders security handler constructs the security token based on the authentication information in the callback array. The security handler then inserts the security token into the WS-Security message header.
The CallbackHandler interface implementation that you use to generate the required security token is defined in the <loginBinding> element in the ibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xmi Web services security binding file. For example,
<loginBinding xmi:id="LoginBinding_1052760331526" authMethod="BasicAuth" callbackHandler="com.ibm.wsspi.wssecurity.auth.callback.StdinPromptCallbackHandler"/>The <loginBinding> element associates the com.ibm.wsspi.wssecurity.auth.callback.StdinPromptCallbackHandler interface with the BasicAuth authentication method. WAS provides the following set of CallbackHandler interface implementations we can use to create various security token types:
- com.ibm.wsspi.wssecurity.auth.callback.GUIPromptCallbackHandler
- If there is no basic authentication data defined in the login binding information (this information is not the same as the HTTP basic authentication information), the previous token type prompts for user name and password through a login panel. The implementation uses the basic authentication data defined in the login binding. Use this CallbackHandler with the BasicAuth authentication method. Do not use this CallbackHandler implementation on the server because it prompts you for login binding information.
- com.ibm.wsspi.wssecurity.auth.callback.StdinPromptCallbackHandler
- If basic authentication data is not defined in the login binding (this information is not the same as the HTTP basic authentication information), the implementation prompts for the user name and password using standard in (stdin). The implementation uses the basic authentication data defined in the login binding. Use this CallbackHandler implementation with the BasicAuth authentication method. Do not use this CallbackHandler implementation on the server because it prompts you for login binding information.
- com.ibm.wsspi.wssecurity.auth.callback.NonPromptCallbackHandler
- This CallbackHandler implementation does not prompt. Rather, it uses the basic authentication data defined in the login binding (this information is not the same as the HTTP basic authentication information). This CallbackHandler implementation is meant for use with the BasicAuth authentication method. You must define the basic authentication data in the login binding information for this CallbackHandler implementation. Use this implementation when Web services is running as a client and needs to send basic authentication (<wsse:UsernameToken>) to the downstream call.
- com.ibm.wsspi.wssecurity.auth.callback.LTPATokenCallbackHandler
- The CallbackHandler generates LTPA tokens from the run as JAAS Subject (invocation Subject) of the current WebSphere Application WAS security context. However, if basic authentication data is defined in the login binding information (not the HTTP basic authentication information), the implementation uses the basic authentication data and LTPA token generated. The Token Type URI and Token Type Local Name values must be defined in the login binding information for this CallbackHandler implementation. The token value type is used to validate the token to the request sender and request receiver binding configuration. The WS-Security run time inserts the LTPA token as a binary security token (<wsse:BinarySecurityToken>) into the message SOAP header. The value type is mandatory. (See LTPA for more information). Use this CallbackHandler implementation with the LTPA authentication method.
Figure 1 shows the sender security handler in the request sender message process.Figure 1. Request sender SOAP message process
Configure the receiver-side security server to support multiple authentication methods and multiple types of security tokens.
The following steps describe the request sender SOAP message process:
- After receiving a message, the receiver WS-Security handler compares the token type (in the message header) with the expected token types configured in the deployment descriptor.
- The WS-Security handler extracts the security token form the message header and maps the token <ValueType> element to the corresponding authentication method. The mapping configuration is defined in the <loginMappings> element in the ibm-webservices-bnd.xmi XML file. For example:
<loginMappings xmi:id="LoginMapping_1051977980074" authMethod="LTPA" configName="WSLogin"> <callbackHandlerFactory xmi:id="CallbackHandlerFactory_1051977980081" classname="com.ibm.wsspi.wssecurity.auth.callback.WSCallbackHandlerFactoryImpl"/> <tokenValueType xmi:id="TokenValueType_1051977980081" uri="http://www.ibm.com/websphere/appserver/tokentype/5.0.2" localName="LTPA"/> </loginMappings>The com.ibm.wsspi.wssecurity.auth.callback.CallbackHandlerFactory interface is a factory for javax.security.auth.callback.CallbackHandler.
- The WS-Security run time initiates the factory implementation class and passes the authentication information from Web services security header to the factory class through the set methods.
- The WS-Security run time invokes the newCallbackHandler() method to obtain the javax.security.auth.CallbackHandler object, which generates the required security token.
- When the security handler receives an LTPA BinarySecurityToken, it uses the WSLogin JAAS login configuration and the newCallbackHandler() method to validate the security token. If none of the expected token types are found in the SOAP message WS-Security header, the request is rejected with an SOAP fault. Otherwise, the token type is used to map to a JAAS login configuration for token validation. If authentication is successful, a JAAS Subject is created and associated with the running thread. Otherwise, the request is rejected with a SOAP fault.
The following table shows the authentication methods and the JAAS login configurations.
Table 1. Authentication methods and JAAS login configurations
Authentication method JAAS login configuration BasicAuth WSLogin Signature system.wssecurity.Signature LTPA WSLogin IDAssertion system.wssecurity.IDAssertion
Figure 2 shows the receiver security handler in the request receiver message process.Figure 2. Request receiver SOAP message process
The default <LoginMapping> is defined in the following files:
- Cell-level ws-security.xml and server-level ws-security.xml files
If nothing is defined in the binding file information, the ws-security.xml default is used. However, an administrator can override the default by defining a new <LoginMapping> element in the binding file.
- The client reads the default binding information in the ${install_dir}/properties/ws-security.xml file.
- The server runtime component loads the following files if they exist:
- Cell-level ws-security.xml file and the server-level ws-security.xml file. The two files are merged in the run time to form one effective set of default binding information.
On a base appserver, the server run time component only loads the server-level ws-security.xml file. The server-side ws-security.xml file and the application WS-Security binding information are managed using the admin console. We can specify the binding information during application deployment using the admin console. The WS-Security policy is defined in the deployment descriptor extension (ibm-webservicesclient-ext.xmi) and the bindings are stored in the IBM binding extension (ibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xmi). However, the ${install_dir}/properties/ws-security.xml file defines the default binding value for the client. If the binding information is not specified in the binding file, the run time reads the binding information from the default ${install_dir}/properties/ws-security.xml file.
Login mappings collection
Login mapping settings 
Related concepts
Lightweight Third Party Authentication
Request sender
Request receiver
Related tasks
Secure Web services for V5.x applications using basic authentication
Secure Web services for V5.x applications using identity assertion authentication
Secure Web services for version 5.x applications using signature authentication
Secure Web services for version 5.x applications using a pluggable token
Secure Web services for V5.x applications using XML digital signature
ws-security.xml file - Default configuration for WAS ND