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Log performance data with TPV


The Tivoli Performance Viewer (TPV) can store real-time data in log files which can be replayed at a later date.

Before starting, configure TPV log settings. After logging is complete, we can view the data with the Tivoli Performance Viewer.

Create and view logs in the admin console.

When using the Tivoli Performance Viewer for long-term or extended monitoring, IBM recommends using Internet Explorer with a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Viewer installed as a plug-in

Performance degradation and memory leaks can occur when usng the Mozilla Firefox browser and Tivoli Performance Viewer to monitor the appserver for an extended period of time.

Create logs

To view settings on the Tivoli Performance Viewer page...

To start logging click: Start Logging

Logging stops when...

By default, the log files are stored in...

TPV automatically compresses the log file when it finishes writing. There is only a single log file in each .zip file. The log file will have the same name as the .zip file.

View logs

To view logs...

Select a log file to view...

Adjust the log view as needed. By default, the data replays at the Refresh Rate specified in the user settings.

We can view multiple logs at a time. After a log has been loaded, return to the View Logs panel to see a list of available logs. At this point, we can load another log.

TPV automatically compresses the log file when finishes writing it. The log does not need to be decompressed before viewing it, though TPV can view logs that have been decompressed.


Related tasks

Set TPV settings
Monitor performance with Tivoli Performance Viewer (TPV)
View Data with the Tivoli Performance Viewer