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List V5 default messaging resources

Use the WAS admin console to list JMS resources for the V5 default messaging provider, for admin purposes. You use the WAS admin console to list JMS resources, to view, modify or delete any of the following resources:

When you use the admin console to locate these resources, two different navigation pathways are available:

Use either of these navigation pathways to locate JMS resources of any type.

On a WAS V5 node, a JMS server provides the functions of the JMS provider. We can also list JMS servers on WAS V5 nodes within the administration domain, or select a JMS server to set its configuration properties.




We can now view and work with the resource's properties.

Version 5 JMS server collection


Related tasks

Maintain (deprecated) V5 default messaging resources



Administrative console buttons
Administrative console scope settings
Administrative console preference settings
JMS providers collection
Queue connection factory collection
Topic connection factory collection
Queue collection
Topic collection
