JSP batch compilation
The batch JSP compiler compiles JSP pages before application deployment....
- validating the syntax of JSP pages
- translating the JSP pages into Java source files
- compiling Java source files into Java servlet class files
- validates tag files and generates their Java implementation classes
Batch compilation of JSP pages improves the runtime performance of JSP page by eliminating first-request compilations. Batch compiling is also useful as a fast way to resynchronize all of the JSP pages for an application.
The JSP batch compiler works on...
- Web modules that support Servlet 2.2 and later
- JSP pages that support JSP 1.0 to 2.1
- Servlet 2.5 deployment descriptors, web.xml, and jsp-config elements
- Servlet 2.3 (JSP 1.2) or Servlet 2.2 (JSP 1.1) deployment descriptor taglib elements
The batch compiler supports the generation of class files in...
- WAS temp directory
- Web module's WEB-INF/classes
In addition, the batch compiler enables generation of class files into any directory on the filesystem, outside the target application. Generating class files into a Web module's WEB-INF/classes directory enables the Web module to be deployed as a self-contained WAR file, or a WAR inside an EAR.
Also, we can use shared libraries with the JSP batch complier. When you use the JSP batch compiler, either add the JAR to the WAR in the <WEB-INF>/lib directory , or add the JAR to the JVM class path to use shared libraries.
Batch compiler ant task
Batch compiler class path 
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