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JMS transport policy settings

To configure settings for the Java™ Message Service (JMS) transport policy. Configure a client using the JMS transport policy to exchange request and response messages with the server.

To view this admin console page:

  1. Click Services > Policy Sets > Application policy sets

  2. Click policy_set_name

  3. In the policy collection, click JMS transport

This admin console panel applies only to JAX-WS applications.

We can only configure a policy through a policy set. Therefore, before we can configure the JMS transport policy, a policy set must exist that contains the JMS transport policy.

To customize a policy set that contains the JMS transport policy, create a new policy set, import a copy of a policy set from the default repository, or we can import an existing policy set from the specified location.

After we have an editable policy set, we can add the JMS transport policy to the policy set.

After you customize values for the JMS transport policy, these values now apply for the policy set that contains that customized JMS transport policy. We can attach this policy set that contains the customized JMS transport policy to the application, its services, endpoints, or operations. This change affects all JAX-WS applications to which that policy set is attached. To learn more about attaching policy sets to applications, read about managing policy sets for service providers and service clients at the application level.

Client JMS connection properties - Request timeout

Request timeout value. The request timeout value is the amount of time that the client waits for a response after sending the request to the server. The default value is 300 seconds.

Client JMS connection properties - Allow transactional messaging for one-way and asynchronous operations

Specifies to enable a client to use transactions in one-way or asynchronous two-way requests. Select this check box to enable transactional messaging.

If this option is selected, the client runtime exchanges SOAP request and response messages with the server over the JMS transport in a transactional manner if the client is operating under a transaction. Therefore, the client transaction is used to send the SOAP request message to the destination queue or topic, and the server receives the request message only after the client commits the transaction. Similarly, the server receives the request message under the control of a container-managed transaction and sends the reply message, if applicable, back to the client using that same transaction. The client then receives the reply message only after the server transaction is committed.

If this option is not selected, the client and server runtimes perform messaging operations in a non-transactional manner.

Supported configurations: Transactional messaging operations are not supported for two-way synchronous operations as this leads to a deadlock condition. .


Related tasks

Modify policies
Manage policy sets and bindings for service providers at the application level
Manage policy sets and bindings for service clients at the application level
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Set policy set bindings
Use SOAP over Java Message Service to transport Web services
Set the JMS transport policy



JMS transport bindings
Application policy sets collection
Application policy set settings