Increasing the performance of the federated repository configuration
Follow this page to manage the realm in a federated repository configuration.
The settings that are available on the Performance panel are independent options that pertain specifically to the federated repositories functionality. These options do not affect the entire WAS configuration.
- In the admin console, click...
Security | Global security
- Under User account repository, select Federated repositories from the Available realm definitions field and click Configure.
- Under Related items, click Manage repositories > repository_name.
- Under Additional properties, click Performance.
- Select the Limit search time option and enter the maximum number of milliseconds that the appserver can use to search through the LDAP entries.
- Select the Limit search returns option and enter the maximum number of entries to return that match the search criteria.
- Select the Use connection pooling option to specify whether the appserver can store separate connections to the LDAP server for reuse.
- Select the Enable context pool option to specify whether multiple applications can use the same connection to the LDAP server. If we select the option, specify the initial, preferred, and maximum number of entries that can use the same connection. The Enable context pool option can be enabled either in conjunction with the Use connection pool option or separately. If this option is disabled, a new connection is created for each context. We can also select the Context pool times out option and specify the number of seconds after which the entries in the context pool expire.
- Select the Cache the attributes option and specify the maximum number of search attribute entries. This option enables WAS to save the LDAP entries so that it can search the entries locally rather than making multiple calls to the LDAP server. Click the Cache times out option that is associated with the Cache the attributes option to specify the maximum number of seconds that the appserver can save these entries.
- Select the Cache the search results option and specify the maximum number of search result entries. This option enables WAS to save the results of a search inquiry instead of making multiple calls to the LDAP server to search and retrieve the results of that search. Click the Cache times out option that is associated with the Cache the search results option to specify the maximum number of seconds that the appserver can save the results.
These options are available to potentially increase the performance of the federated repositories configuration. However, the any increase in performance is dependant upon the specific configuration. 
Related concepts
Connection pooling
Related tasks
Manage repositories in a federated repository configuration