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Migrating and installing IBM HTTP Server on z/OS systems

You can install the IBM HTTP Server V7.0 product on z/OS systems. Ensure that you order the current version of WAS that contains the IHS for z/OS.

Before you can successfully install IHS, ensure that your environment meets the prerequisites for the application server. For more information, see the Preparing the base operating system topic. Install IHS V7.0 using SMP/E and then run an installation script to create a configuration in the installation directory: Attention: IBM HTTP Server V7.0 is different from the HTTP Server for z/OS. The information contained within the IBM HTTP Server product documentation pertains to IBM HTTP Server V7.0, not the HTTP Server for z/OS.

You can use the Web server jobname or other identifier in the installation directory name. For example:


In the instruction examples in the following topic for installing IBM HTTP Server, an installation of /etc/websrv1 is used.

Use these links to learn more about the installation features for IBM HTTP Server:

Install IHS

This topic describes how to install IBM HTTP Server using the installer program.

Uninstalling IHS

This topic contains the procedure for uninstalling IBM HTTP Server.


Migrating the mod_auth_saf module directives to use the mod_authnz_saf module directives.

Use the mod_authnz_saf directive for your SAF configuration instead of the mod_auth_saf directive. In addition, SAF password authentication is now enabled by specifying the SAF basic authentication provider directive.

AuthBasicProvider saf
Also, the SAFRequire and AuthSAF directives are not supported in this release of IHS. For information about SAF directives, see the information center topic about SAF directives.


Migrating from mod_auth_ldap to mod_authnz_ldap z/OS:

The mod_auth_ldap directive in IHS Version 6.1 has been renamed to mod_authnz_ldap, and has undergone several changes, such as:

For further information, see the mod_authnz_ldap documentation.


Related concepts

Migrating from previous releases of IHS


Related tasks

Install IHS

Uninstalling IHS

z/OS: Preparing the base z/OS operating system for product installation

Install and configuring the WebSphere Application Server plug-in for IHS on z/OS


Related information

mod_authnz_ldap directive