Extract properties files



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You can extract properties files for cell, server, server subtype, and node configurations, using wsadmin

Use the PropertiesBasedConfiguration command group for the AdminTask object, we can extract the configuration attributes and values from the environment to properties files.

You cannot apply a z/OS operating system properties file directly to a distributed operating system. Similarly, we cannot apply a distributed operating system properties file directly to a z/OS operating system.

We can also use interactive mode with these commands...



Extract a cell configuration

  1. Launch the wsadmin scripting tool using the Jython scripting language.

  2. Extract the cell configuration. Use the extractConfigProperties command to extract the object configuration...

    AdminTask.extractConfigProperties('[-propertiesFileName ConfigProperties_cell.props]')

    The system extracts the properties file...

    # SubSection 1.0
    # Cell level attributes
    # ResourceType=Cell

    ImplementingResourceType=Cell ResourceId=Cell=!{cellName}
    # shortName=null cellType=DISTRIBUTED
    discoveryAddressEndpointName=null cellDiscoveryProtocol=TCP

    Properties of nodes,servers, clusters, applications, etc.
    #Environment Variables
    #Day Month 17 Time CDT Year cellName=myCell

    The properties file does not display the cell, node, server, cluster, application, core group, or node group names. Instead, the command creates variables, such as !{cellName}, and includes them in the EnvironmentVariables section at the bottom of the properties file. The Environment Variables section contains each variable in the properties file.


Extract a server configuration

  1. Launch the wsadmin scripting tool using the Jython scripting language.

  2. Extract the appserver configuration of interest. Use the extractConfigProperties command to extract the server configuration...

    AdminTask.extractConfigProperties('[-propertiesFileName ConfigProperties_server1.props -configData Server=server1]')

    The system extracts the properties file, as the following example displays:

    # SubSection 1.0
    # Server Section
    # ResourceType=Server ImplementingResourceType=Server

    # shortName=null serverType=DEPLOYMENT_MANAGER
    #readonly developmentMode=false
    #boolean parallelStartEnabled=true
    #boolean name=!{serverName} clusterName=null uniqueId=null modelId=null
    Properties of other inner objects ( EJBContainer, WebContainer, ORB etc) and subtypes not shown.
    #Environment Variables
    #Day Month 16 Time CDT Year
    cellName=myCell nodeName=myNode
    hostName=myHost.com serverName=dmgr

    The properties file does not display the cell, node, server, cluster, application, core group, or node group names. Instead, the command creates variables, such as !{cellName}, and includes them in the EnvironmentVariables section at the bottom of the properties file. The Environment Variables section contains each variable in the properties file.


Extract server subtype for a specific server

  1. Launch the wsadmin scripting tool using the Jython scripting language.

  2. Extract the EJB container and Web container properties for a specific server. Use the extractConfigProperties command to extract the server configuration...

    AdminTask.extractConfigProperties('[-propertiesFileName ejbcontainer.props -configData Server=server1 -filterMechanism SELECTED_SUBTYPES -selectedSubTypes [EJBContainer WebContainer]]')

    The system extracts the properties file...

    # SubSection 1.0
    # EJBContainer
    # ResourceType=EJBContainer


    #EJBCon ntainer_1 AttributeInfo=components
    # EJBTimer={}
    #ObjectName*(null) name=null defaultDatasourceJNDIName=null inactivePoolCleanupInterval=30000
    #long passivationDirectory="${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/temp" enableSFSBFailover=false
    #boolean server=null parentComponent=ND Server
    # SubSection 1.0
    # WebContainer
    # ResourceType=WebContainer


    #WebCon ntainer_1 AttributeInfo=components
    # enableServletCaching=false
    #boolean name=null defaultVirtualHostName=null server=null maximumPercentageExpiredEntries=15
    #integer asyncIncludeTimeout=60000
    #integer parentComponent=ND

    Server disablePooling=false
    #boolean sessionAffinityFailoverServer=null maximumResponseStoreSize=100
    #integer allowAsyncRequestDispatching=false
    #boolean sessionAffinityTimeout=0
    #integer EnvironmentVariablesSection
    #Environment Variables
    #Thu Apr 17 14:17:25 CDT 2008 cellName=myCell nodeName=myNode hostName=myhost.com serverName=dmgr

    The properties file does not display the cell, node, server, cluster, application, core group, or node group names. Instead, the command creates variables, such as !{cellName}, and includes them in the EnvironmentVariables section at the bottom of the properties file. The Environment Variables section contains each variable in the properties file.

    The EJBContainer=ID
    #EJBContainer_1 string represents the EJBContainer object within the server. Use this XML ID to uniquely identify the object in the configuration. We can modify this field to EJBContainer=myContainer if the name field is set to myContainer in the configuration before you apply the properties file to the configuration.

  • Extract node properties without traversing the subtypes of the node.

    1. Launch the wsadmin scripting tool using the Jython scripting language.

    2. Extract the node properties, except for specific subtype properties of servers and resources. Use the extractConfigProperties command to extract the node configuration properties... demonstrates:

      AdminTask.extractConfigProperties('[-propertiesFileName node.props -configData Node=myNode -filterMechanism NO_SUBTYPES]')

      The system extracts the properties file...

      # SubSection 1.0
      # Node Section
      # ResourceType=Node ImplementingResourceType=Node

      # shortName=null name=!{nodeName} maxFilePermissionForApps=".*\.dll=755
      #.*\.sl=755 " discoveryProtocol=TCP
      #ENUM(UDP|TCP|MULTICAST) hostName=!{hostName}
      ## Section 1.0_1
      # ResourceType=Node ImplementingResourceType=Node

      ExtensionId=NodeMetadataExtension ResourceId=Cell=!{cellName}:Node=!{nodeName}
      # nodeOS=distributed nodeVersion=

      End of Section 1.0_1
      # Cell=!{cellName}:Node=!{nodeName}
      # End of Section 1.0
      # Cell=!{cellName}:Node=!{nodeName}

      #Environment Variables
      #Day Month 17 Time CDT Year cellName=myCell nodeName=myNode

      The properties file does not display the cell, node, server, cluster, application, core group, or node group names. Instead, the command creates variables, such as !{cellName}, and includes them in the EnvironmentVariables section at the bottom of the properties file. The Environment Variables section of the properties file contains each variable in the file.


    Extract node properties without traversing the subtypes of the node or invoking extensions

    1. Launch the wsadmin scripting tool using the Jython scripting language.

    2. Extract the node properties, except for specific subtype properties of servers and resources and without invoking extensions. Use the extractConfigProperties command to extract the node configuration properties...

      AdminTask.extractConfigProperties('[-propertiesFileName node.props -configData Node=myNode -filterMechanism NO_SUBTYPES_AND_EXTENSIONS]')

      The system extracts the properties file...

      # SubSection 1.0
      # Node Section
      # ResourceType=Node ImplementingResourceType=Node

      # shortName=null name=!{nodeName} maxFilePermissionForApps=".*\.dll=755
      #sl=755 " discoveryProtocol=TCP
      #ENUM(UDP|TCP|MULTICAST) hostName=!{hostName}
      # Section 1.0_1
      # ResourceType=Node ImplementingResourceType=Node

      ExtensionId=NodeMetadataExtension ResourceId=Cell=!{cellName}:Node=!{nodeName}
      # nodeOS=distributed nodeVersion=

      End of Section 1.0_1
      # Cell=!{cellName}:Node=!{nodeName}
      # End of Section 1.0
      # Cell=!{cellName}:Node=!{nodeName}

      #Environment Variables
      #Day Month 17 Time CDT Year cellName=myCell nodeName=myNode

      The command excludes the NodeMetadataExtension section from the extracted properties file, as that is an extension to a node resource. The properties file does not display the cell, node, server, cluster, application, core group, or node group names. Instead, the command creates variables, such as !{cellName}, and includes them in the EnvironmentVariables section at the bottom of the properties file. The Environment Variables section of the properties file contains each variable in the file.


    What to do next

    After extracting properties files, use this functionality for various purposes, including:

    • Modify existing configurations in one location, instead of configuring multiple admin console panels or running many commands

    • To improve the application development life cycle

    Use properties files to manage the following server subtypes in the environment:


    Related tasks

    Validating properties files
    Applying properties files
    Create server, cluster, application, or authorization group objects using properties files
    Delete server, cluster, application, or authorization group objects using properties files
    Create and deleting configuration objects using properties files
    Manage environment configurations using properties files
    Extracting properties files to troubleshoot the environment
    Manage servers and nodes with scripting


