Example: Performance Monitoring Infrastructure client (Version 4.0)
The following is a list of example Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) client code from WAS Version 4.0:
/** * This is a sample code to show how to use PmiClient to collect PMI data. * You will need to use adminconsole to set instrumentation level (a level other * than NONE) first. * * <p> * End-to-end code path in 4.0: * PmiTester -> PmiClient -> AdminServer -> appServer */ package com.ibm.websphere.pmi; import com.ibm.websphere.pmi.*; import com.ibm.websphere.pmi.server.*; import com.ibm.websphere.pmi.client.*; import com.ibm.ws.pmi.server.*; import com.ibm.ws.pmi.perfServer.*; import com.ibm.ws.pmi.server.modules.*; import com.ibm.ws.pmi.wire.*; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Sample code to use PmiClient API (old API in 4.0) and get CpdData/CpdCollection objects. * */ public class PmiTester implements PmiConstants { /** a test driver: * @param args[0] - node name * @param args[1] - port number, optional, default is 2809 * @param args[2] - connector type, default is RMI * @param args[3] - verion (AE, AEs, WAS50), default is WAS50 * */ public static void main(String[] args) { String hostName = null; String portNumber = "2809"; String connectorType = "RMI"; String version = "WAS50"; if (args.length < 1) { System.out.println("Usage: <host> [<port>] [<connectorType>] [<version>]"); return; } if(args.length >= 1) hostName = args[0]; if(args.length >= 2) portNumber = args[1]; if (args.length >=3) connectorType = args[2]; if (args.length >=4) version = args[3]; try { PmiClient pmiClnt = new PmiClient(hostName, portNumber, version, false, connectorType); // uncomment it if we want debug info //pmiClnt.setDebug(true); // get all the node PerfDescriptor in the domain PerfDescriptor[] nodePds = pmiClnt.listNodes(); if(nodePds == null) { System.out.println("no nodes"); return; } // get the first node String nodeName = nodePds[0].getName(); System.out.println("after listNodes: " + nodeName); //list all the servers on the node PerfDescriptor[] serverPds = pmiClnt.listServers(nodePds[0].getName()); if(serverPds == null || serverPds.length == 0) { System.out.println("NO app server in node"); return; } // print out all the servers on that node for(int j=0; j<serverPds.length; j++) { System.out.println("server " + j + ": " + serverPds[j].getName()); } for(int j=0; j<serverPds.length; j++) { System.out.println("server " + j + ": " + serverPds[j].getName()); // Option: we can call createPerfLevelSpec and then setInstrumentationLevel to set the level // for each server if we want. For example, to set all the modules to be LEVEL_HIGH for the server j, // uncomment the following. // PerfLevelSpec[] plds = new PerfLevelSpec[1]; // plds[0] = pmiClnt.createPerfLevelSpec(null, LEVEL_HIGH); // pmiClnt.setInstrumentationLevel(serverPds[j].getNodeName(), serverPds[j].getServerName(), plds, true); // First, list the PerfDescriptor in the server PerfDescriptor[] myPds = pmiClnt.listMembers(serverPds[j]); // check returned PerfDescriptor if(myPds == null) { System.out.println("null from listMembers"); continue; } // we can add the pds in which we are interested to PerfDescriptorList PerfDescriptorList pdList = new PerfDescriptorList(); for(int i=0; i<myPds.length; i++) { // Option 1: we can recursively call listMembers for each myPds // and find the one we are interested. We can call listMembers // until individual data level and after that level you will null from listMembers. // e.g., PerfDescriptor[] nextPds = pmiClnt.listMembers(myPds[i]); // Option 2: we can filter these pds before adding to pdList System.out.println("add to pdList: " + myPds[i].getModuleName()); pdList.addDescriptor(myPds[i]); if( i % 2 == 0) pmiClnt.add(myPds[i]); } // call gets method to get the CpdCollection[] corresponding to pdList CpdCollection[] cpdCols = pmiClnt.gets(pdList, true); if(cpdCols == null) { // check error if(pmiClnt.getErrorCode() >0) System.out.println(pmiClnt.getErrorMessage()); continue; } for(int i=0; i<cpdCols.length; i++) { // simple print them //System.out.println(cpdCols[i].toString()); // Or call processCpdCollection to get each data processCpdCollection(cpdCols[i], ""); } // Or call gets() method to add the CpdCollection[] for whatever there by calling pmiClnt.add(). System.out.println("\n\n\n ---- get data using gets(true) ----- "); cpdCols = pmiClnt.gets(true); if(cpdCols == null) { // check error if(pmiClnt.getErrorCode() >0) System.out.println(pmiClnt.getErrorMessage()); continue; } for(int i=0; i<cpdCols.length; i++) { // simple print out the whole collection System.out.println(cpdCols[i].toString()); // Option: refer processCpdCollection to get each data } } } catch(Exception ex) { System.out.println("Exception calling CollectorAE"); ex.printStackTrace(); } } /** * show the methods to retrieve individual data */ private static void processCpdCollection(CpdCollection cpdCol, String indent) { CpdData[] dataList = cpdCol.dataMembers(); String myindent = indent; System.out.println("\n" + myindent + "--- CpdCollection " + cpdCol.getDescriptor().getName() + " ---"); myindent += " "; for(int i=0; i<dataList.length; i++) { if (dataList[i] == null) continue; // to get static info like name, description, etc PmiDataInfo dataInfo = dataList[i].getPmiDataInfo(); // call getName(), getDescription() on dataInfo; CpdValue cpdVal = dataList[i].getValue(); if(cpdVal.getType() == TYPE_STAT) { CpdStat cpdStat = (CpdStat)cpdVal; double mean = cpdStat.mean(); double sumSquares = cpdStat.sumSquares(); int count = cpdStat.count(); double total = cpdStat.total(); System.out.println(myindent + "CpdData id=" + dataList[i].getId() + " type=stat mean=" + mean); // we can print more values like sumSquares, count,etc here } else if(cpdVal.getType() == TYPE_LOAD) { CpdLoad cpdLoad = (CpdLoad)cpdVal; long time = cpdLoad.getTime(); double mean = cpdLoad.mean(); double currentLevel = cpdLoad.getCurrentLevel(); double integral = cpdLoad.getIntegral(); double timeWeight = cpdLoad.getWeight(); System.out.println(myindent + "CpdData id=" + dataList[i].getId() + " type=load mean=" + mean + " currentLevel=" + currentLevel); // we can print more values like sumSquares, count,etc here } else if(cpdVal.getType() == TYPE_LONG) { CpdValue cpdLong = (CpdValue)cpdVal; long value = (long)cpdLong.getValue(); System.out.println(myindent + "CpdData id=" + dataList[i].getId() + " type=long value=" + value); } else if(cpdVal.getType() == TYPE_DOUBLE) { CpdValue cpdDouble = (CpdValue)cpdVal; double value = cpdDouble.getValue(); System.out.println(myindent + "CpdData id=" + dataList[i].getId() + " type=double value=" + value); } else if(cpdVal.getType() == TYPE_INT) { CpdValue cpdInt = (CpdValue)cpdVal; int value = (int)cpdInt.getValue(); System.out.println(myindent + "CpdData id=" + dataList[i].getId() + " type=int value=" + value); } } // recursively go through the subcollection CpdCollection[] subCols = cpdCol.subcollections(); for(int i=0; i<subCols.length; i++) { processCpdCollection(subCols[i], myindent); } } /** * show the methods to navigate CpdCollection */ private static void report(CpdCollection col) { System.out.println("\n\n"); if(col==null) { System.out.println("report: null CpdCollection"); return; } System.out.println("report - CpdCollection "); printPD(col.getDescriptor()); CpdData[] dataMembers = col.dataMembers(); if(dataMembers != null) { System.out.println("report CpdCollection: dataMembers is " + dataMembers.length); for(int i=0; i<dataMembers.length; i++) { CpdData data = dataMembers[i]; printPD(data.getDescriptor()); } } CpdCollection[] subCollections = col.subcollections(); if(subCollections != null) { for(int i=0; i<subCollections.length; i++) { report(subCollections[i]); } } } private static void printPD(PerfDescriptor pd) { System.out.println(pd.getFullName()); } }
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