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Differences in SAAJ versions

The SOAP with Attachments API for Java(SAAJ) interface V1.3 expands the support of SOAP 1.2 messages in a Web services environment. There are several differences between SAAJ 1.2 and SAAJ 1.3 that are presented in this topic.

In a typical Web services environment, you rely on the underlying code that is based on Java standards to translate a set of Java objects. The SAAJ interface provides APIs to read, write, send and receive SOAP messages, and advocates binary content sent as an attachment to a SOAP message.

SAAJ 1.3 aligns with SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 messages and is supported by the Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) model and the Java API for XML-Based RPC (JAX-RPC) model. SAAJ 1.2 works with SOAP 1.1 messages only.

If we migrate the code from SOAP 1.1 to SOAP 1.2, we can continue to use the existing SOAP 1.1 code, if the message is a SOAP 1.2 message. If we upgrade the base code to use SAAJ 1.3, then we can continue to use the existing code that operates on a SOAP 1.1 message. An example of these differences is in SOAP 1.1, where the human readable text of a fault is stored in the faultString element. In SOAP 1.2, the human readable text is stored in the Reason element. Your code might look like the following example:

String text = soapFault.getFaultString();
The getFaultString () returns the faultString value if the message is based on SOAP 1.1. If using SOAP 1.2, the getFaultString () returns the Reason value. In addition, the SAAJ 1.3 interface provides a new method, getReasonText (Locale), that gets a specific Reason value. The getReasonText (Locale) method returns a documented exception if the message is based on SOAP 1.1. The SAAJ 1.3 interface supports existing code to process both SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 messages.

Other differences between SAAJ 1.2 and SAAJ 1.3 are in the following list:

For a complete list of the supported standards and specifications, see the Web services specifications and API documentation.


Related concepts

SOAP with Attachments API for Java interface



Web services specifications and APIs