Develop a WSIF service
A Web Services Invocation Framework (WSIF) service is a Web service that uses WSIF.
To develop a WSIF service, develop the Web service (or use an existing Web service), then develop the WSIF client based on the WSDL document for that Web service.
There are also two pre-built WSIF samples available for download from the WAS samples page of the developerWorks Web site:
- The Address Book sample.
- The Stock Quote sample.
See about using the pre-built samples, see the documentation that is included in the developerWorks download package. Note that these samples were written to work with WAS V5.
To develop a WSIF service...
- Implement the Web service.
Use Web services tools to discover, create, and publish the Web service. We can develop Java bean, enterprise bean, and URL Web services. Use Web service tools to create skeleton Java code and a sample application from a WSDL document. For example, an enterprise bean can be offered as a Web service, using RMI-IIOP as the access protocol. Or we can use a Java class as a Web service, with native Java invocations as the access protocol.
Use the WebSphere Studio Application Developer to create a Web service from a Java application, as described in its StockQuote service tutorial. The Java application that you use in this scenario returns the last trading price from the Internet Web site, given a stock symbol. Using the Web service wizard, you generate a binding WSDL document named StockQuoteService-binding.wsdl and a service WSDL document named StockQuoteService-service.wsdl from the bean. You then deploy the Web service to a Web server, generate a client proxy to the Web service, and generate a sample application that accesses the StockQuoteService through the client proxy. You test the StockQuote Web service, publish it using the UDDI Explorer, and then discover the StockQuote Web service in the IBM UDDI Test Registry.
- Develop the WSIF client. The information you need to develop a WSIF client is provided in the following topics:
- Example: Using WSIF to invoke the AddressBook sample Web service dynamically gives example code to show how you define a Web service in WSDL.
- Linking a WSIF service to the underlying implementation of the service describes the available providers, and gives example code of how their WSDL extensions are coded.
- Invoking a WSDL-based Web service through the WSIF API defines the main interfaces that the client uses to support the invocation of Web services defined in WSDL.
The Address Book Sample is written for synchronous interaction. For a JMS provider, the WSIF client might have to act asynchronously. WSIF provides two main features that meet this requirement:
- A correlation service that assigns identifiers to messages so that the request can match up with the (eventual) response.
- A response handler that picks up the response from the Web service at a later time.
Example: Using WSIF to invoke the AddressBook sample Web service dynamically
Use complex types
Use WSIF to bind a JNDI reference to a Web service
Example: Passing SOAP messages with attachments using WSIF 
Related concepts
Related tasks
Interacting with the Java EE container in WAS
Running WSIF as a client
Use WSIF to invoke Web services
developerWorks: Samples for WAS