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Create generic servers

A generic server is a server that is managed in the WAS admin domain even though the server is not a server that is supplied by WAS. The WAS generic servers function enables you to define a generic server as an application server instance within the WAS administration, and associate it with a non-WebSphere WebSphere Application server or process.

There are two basic types of generic application servers:

Therefore, a generic server can be any server or process that is necessary to support the appserver environment, including:

Use wsadmin or the admin console to create a generic server.



Next steps

After you define a generic server, use the appserver admin console to start, stop, and monitor the associated non-WAS server or process when stopping or starting the applications that rely on them.

Avoid trouble: Use either the Terminate or Stop buttons in the admin console to stop any appserver, including a generic appserver.

Starting and terminating generic appservers
Generic server settings


Related tasks

Manage generic servers using scripting
Create a server using scripting
Getting started with scripting
Administer appservers