Algorithm URI settings
To specify the algorithm uniform resource identifier (URI) and its usage type.
This product supports the following algorithm URI types:
- Message digest
- Algorithm URI used for digest value calculation.
- Signature
- Algorithm URI used for digital signature, including both signature and signing verification.
- Data encryption
- Algorithm URI used for both encrypting and decrypting data.
- Key encryption
- Algorithm URI used for encrypting and decrypting the encryption key.
If the URI is used for multiple usage types, then define a mapping of the URI to each usage type.
To view this admin console page on the server level...
- Click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere appservers > server_name.
- Under Security, click JAX-WS and JAX-RPC security runtime.
In a mixed node cell with a server using Websphere Application Server version 6.1 or earlier, click Web services: Default bindings for WS-Security
- Under Additional properties, click Algorithm mappings.
The Algorithm mappings feature is not supported when the Use the FIPS option has been selected on the SSL certificate and key management panel of the admin console. When this option is selected, the New button in the Algorithm mappings panel is not available.
- Click New.
- Under Additional properties, click Algorithm URI > algorithm_URI_name.
To view the admin console page on the cell level:
- Click Security > JAX-WS and JAX-RPC security runtime, or Services > JAX-WS and JAX-RPC security runtime.
- Under Additional properties, click Algorithm mappings.
- Click New.
- Under Additional properties, click Algorithm URI > algorithm_URI_name.
- Algorithm URI
Algorithm uniform resource identifier (URI) for the specified algorithm type.
The algorithm URI that is defined on this page is available to the various binding configurations. For example, if we specify an algorithm URI and select Signature from the Algorithm type field, the URI displays in the Signature method field on the signing information panel.
- Algorithm type
Type of algorithm specified in the Algorithm URI field.
The following types of algorithms are supported by this product.
The following list shows where configurations specified on this panel are displayed for a binding configuration:
Table 1. Algorithm types
Algorithm type Explanation Location of the configuration Signature This algorithm type is used for digital signatures. This configuration displays in the Signature method field on the Signing information panel. For information on how to access the Signing information panel, see the help topic Signing information settings. Digest value calculation (message digest) This algorithm type is used for calculating the digest value. This configuration displays in the Digest method algorithm field on the Part references panel. For information on how to access the Part references panel, see the help topic Part reference settings. Data encryption This algorithm type is used for encrypting data. This configuration displays in the Data encryption algorithm field on the Encryption information panel. For information on how to access the Encryption information panel, see the help topic Encryption information settings: Message parts. Key encryption This algorithm type is used for encrypting the key used for data encryption. This configuration displays in the Key encryption algorithm field on the Encryption information panel. For information on how to access the Encryption information panel, see the help topic Encryption information settings: Message parts.
The actual implementation of the algorithm is done in the implementation class for the engine factory.
Related tasks
Set token generators using JAX-RPC to protect message authenticity at the server or cell level
Algorithm URI collection
Algorithm mapping collection
Algorithm mapping settings
Signing information settings
Part reference settings
Encryption information settings: Message parts