Administrative properties for scripting
Scripting administration utilizes several Java property files. Property files can be used to control the system configurations. Before any property file is specified on the command line, three levels of default property files are loaded.
The first level represents an installation default for each appserver profile...
$WP_PROFILE/properties/wsadmin.propertiesThe second level represents a user default, and is located in the Java user.home property. This properties file is also called
The third level is a properties file that is pointed to by the WSADMIN_PROPERTIES environment variable. This environment variable is defined in the environment where wsadmin starts.
If one or more of these property files is present, they are interpreted before any properties file that is present on the command line. The three levels of property files load in the order that they are specified. The properties file that is loaded last overrides the ones loaded earlier.
Determines if the trace file appends to the end of the existing log file. The default setting, false, overrides the log file on each invocation.
Searches for classes and resources, and is appended to the list of paths.
Determines the connector to use. This value can either be SOAP, JSR160RMI, RMI, IPC, or NONE. The file specifies SOAP as the connector.
Determines whether the validation mechanism examines other documents when changes are made to one document.
Possible values are true and false. The default value is true.
Indicates the language to use when running scripts. The file specifies Jacl as the scripting language.
The supported scripting languages are Jacl and Jython.
Determines if the parameters or arguments output to STDOUT or to a wsadmin log file. The default setting, true, outputs the parameters or arguments to a log file.
Controls whether the WASX7207W message is emitted when custom permissions are found.
The possible values are true and false. The default value is true.
Determines the host to use when attempting a connection. If not specified, the default is the local machine.
Determines the host that the system uses to connect to the IPC connector. Use the host name or IP address of the loopback adapter that the IPC connector listens to, such as localhost,, or ::1. The default value is localhost.
Port to use when attempting a connection. The file specifies 8879 as the SOAP port for a single server installation.
List of profile scripts to run automatically before running user commands, scripts, or an interactive shell.
The file specifies...
- securityProcs.jacl
- LTPA_LDAPSecurityProcs.jacl the values of this property.
If Jython is specified with the wsadmin -lang option, wsadmin performs a conversion to change the profile script names specified in this property to use the file extension that matches the language specified.
Determines where trace and log output is directed. The file specifies the wsadmin.traceout file that is located in...
$WP_PROFILE/logs...of each appserver profile as the value of this property.
If multiple users work with wsadmin simultaneously, set different traceFile properties in the user properties files. If the file name contains double-byte character set (DBCS) characters, use a unicode format, such as \uxxxx, where xxxx is a number.
Turns on tracing for the scripting process. The default has tracing turned off.
Determines the directory to use for temporary files when installing applications.
The JVM API uses as the default value.
Determines the level of validation to use when configuration changes are made from the scripting interface.
Possible values are: NONE, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, HIGHEST. The default is HIGHEST.
Determines where the validation reports are directed. The default file is...
$WP_PROFILE/logs/wsadmin.valout...of each appserver profile.
If multiple users work with wsadmin simultaneously, set different validationOutput properties in the user properties files. If the file name contains double-byte character set (DBCS) characters, use unicode format, such as \uxxxx, where xxxx is a number.
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Scripting reference