Administrative command invocation syntax
The admin command uses a specific syntax to invoke operations.
Use an admin command in batch mode or in interactive mode.
The following syntax is used for an admin command: Using Jacl:
$AdminTask cmdName [targetObject] [options]where options include:{ [-paramName paramValue] [-paramName] ... [-stepName {{stepParamValue ...} ...} ...] [-delete {-stepName {{stepKeyParamValue ...} ...} ...} ...] [-interactive] }or{ [-paramName paramValue] [-paramName] ... [-stepName {{stepParamName stepParamValue} {stepParamName stepParamValue} ...] [-delete {-stepName {{stepKeyParamValue ...} ...} ...} ...] [-interactive] }Jython...
AdminTask.cmdName(['targetObject'], [options])where options include:'[or[-paramName paramValue] [-paramName ...]
[-stepName [[stepParamValue ...] ...] ...]
[-delete [-collectionStepName [[stepKeyParamValue ...] ...] ...] ...]
[-interactive] ]'
'[where:[-paramName paramValue] [-paramName ...]
[-stepName [[stepParamName stepParamValue] [stepParamName stepParamValue] ...]
[-delete [-collectionStepName [[stepKeyParamValue ...] ...] ...] ...]
[-interactive] ]'
Table 1. Administrative command parameter descriptions
cmdNamerepresents the name of an admin command to run. targetObjectrepresents the target object on which the command operates. Depending on the admin command, this input can be required, optional, or nonexistent. This input corresponds to the Target object that is displayed in the command-specific help. paramNamerepresents the parameter name of the command that was run. Depending on the admin command, this input can be required, optional, or nonexistent. Each parameter name corresponds to an argument name that is displayed in the Arguments area of the command-specific help. paramValuerepresents the parameter value to set for the preceding parameter name. Parameters are specified as name-value pairs. The parameter value is not required if a parameter has Boolean as its value type. If we specify the parameter name only, without specifying a value for a Boolean type parameter, the value is set to true. stepNamerepresents the step name of the command. This input corresponds to a step name that is displayed in the Steps area of the command-specific help. stepParamNamerepresents the parameter name for a step. Depending on the admin command, this input can be required, optional, or nonexistent. Each parameter name corresponds to an argument name that displays in the step area of the command-specific help. stepParamValue ...represents the values of the parameters for a step. Provide all the parameter values of a step in the correct order, as displayed in the step-specific help. For any optional parameters that you do not want to specify a value, put "" instead of the value. If a command step is a collection type, for example, it contains multiple objects where each object has the same set of parameters. We can specify multiple objects with each object enclosed by a pair of braces. For collection type steps, each step parameter is a key or a non-key. Key parameters in a step are used to uniquely identify an object in the collection. If data exists in the step, key parameter values that are provided in the input are compared with key parameter values in the existing data. If a match is found, the existing data is updated. Otherwise, if the specified step supports the addition of new objects, the input values are added. deleterepresents the option to delete existing data from a specified step that supports collection. collectionStepNamerepresents the collection step name. stepKeyParamValue ...represents the values of key parameters to uniquely identify an object to delete from a collection step. You must provide the key parameter values of an object in the order that they are displayed in the step specific help. interactiverepresents the option to enter interactive mode. [ ]represents a Jython list bracket. [ ]indicates that the parameters or options inside the brackets are optional. Do not type these brackets as part of the syntax.
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