ANT Task WsJpaDB2GenTask



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The ANT task WsJpaDB2GenTask provides an alternative to the wsdb2gen command, allowing users to utilize the pureQuery feature in Java Persistence API applications.

Both the PDQ runtime JAR files...

...must be specified using the ANT -lib option.



The example listed below could be run with the ANT command using the following:

<!-- invoke this build using the ANT command 
ant jar -noclasspath -lib c:/was7/lib/j2ee.jar 
        -lib c:/was7/plugins/ 
        -lib c:/sqllib/java/db2jcc.jar 
        -lib c:/sqllib/java/db2jcc_license_cu.jar 
        -lib c:/sqllib/java/pdq.jar 
        -lib c:/sqllib/java/pdqmgmt.jar 

When calling the ANT command, the JAR files for pureQuery, JPA, and the JDBC driver must be on the library list.

<?xml version="1.0"?> 

<project name="sample" default="jar"> 

<taskdef name="enhancer" classname="org.apache.openjpa.ant.PCEnhancerTask" /> 

<taskdef name="wsdb2gen" classname="" /> 

<target name="clean" description="remove intermediate files"> 
<delete dir="classes"/> 
<delete dir="enhanced" /> 
<fileset dir="." includes="META-INF/*.pdqxml" /> 
<fileset dir="." includes="sample.jar" /> 

<target name="compile"  description="compile the Java source code to class files"> 
<mkdir dir="classes"/> 
<javac srcdir="." destdir="classes"> 
<pathelement location="c:/was7/lib/j2ee.jar"/> 
<pathelement location="c:/was7/plugins/" /> 

<target name="enhance" depends="compile" > 
<mkdir dir="enhanced" /> 
<enhancer directory="./enhanced" > 
<config propertiesFile="META-INF/persistence.xml" /> 
<pathelement location="." /> 
<pathelement location="classes" /> 

<target name="wsdb2gen" depends="enhance" > 
<wsdb2gen pu="MyAntTest" url="jdbc:db2:
//localhost:50000/demodb" user="user1" pw="secret" > 
<pathelement location="."/> 
<pathelement location="enhanced" /> 

<target name="jar" depends="wsdb2gen"  description="create a Jar file for the application"> 
<jar destfile="sample.jar"> 
<fileset dir="classes" includes="**/*.class"/> 
<fileset dir="." includes="META-INF/*.xml" /> 


