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Example: Console module samples


The sample console modules provide examples of portal application archives and how to use the APIs and other features. These samples are available from the Samples for WAS page at the following location


These samples help understand the structure of a console module WAR package and the portal application descriptors that distinguish the application as a console module. After downloading the samples, follow the instructions in Deploying a console module. The following table lists the samples that are ready for deployment.

Sample Description
Page layout (pagelayout.war) Demonstrates how to specify the layout of console modules on a page using the elements of the portal topology descriptor. This sample shows how the lead application of a product provides an about page, which contains helpful information and resources about the product. The about page can be accessed from the console Welcome page. This module also demonstrates how to reuse a portlet from another module (Tree merge).
Tree merge (TreeMerge.war) Demonstrates how a subordinate application deploys into the lead application for a product. The <PAA-ref/> element indicates the page layout sample as the lead application. Also, the <requires/> element indicates the page layout sample as a prerequisite that must already be deployed. The <parent-tree/> element merges the navigation nodes for the tree merge sample into the page layout navigation tree.
Portlet context (PortletContext.war) Demonstrates how to use the Dynamic UI Manager APIs to launch a page and how to pass properties to other console modules. The module receiving these properties can be on the same page or on another page.
Modes (Modes.war) Demonstrates how to implement the Edit and Help modes in a module and how to invoke Eclipse-based help.
Basic module (Basicmodule.war) Demonstrates how to implement basic module components.


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