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The Update Installer for WebSphere Software can use an options response file to install maintenance packages from a command line interface.

The Update Installer for WebSphere Software wizard reads the options file to determine installation choices. The Update Installer installs the maintenance package in silent mode instead of displaying a graphical user interface.

The install.txt file has one directive that identifies the backup file for installing a service update. Comments in the file describe how to set the string value.


Location of the response file

The sample options response file is named install.txt. The file is in the updi_root/responsefiles directory after you install the Update Installer for WebSphere Software into the installation root directory of the WebSphere software product.


Installing silently

The options file supplies the values to the Update installer wizard when installing silently. The wizard reads the options file to determine responses and does not display the graphical user interface. The following command uses a copy of the options file named myresponsefile.txt to provide installation option responses during a silent installation:

./update.sh -options "responsefiles/myresponsefile.txt" -silent
If you do not use the -silent option, the wizard uses the response file to provide initial values for the graphical interface:

./update.sh -options "responsefiles/myresponsefile.txt"


Response file user entry validation

In a silent installation, response file validation is coded into the installation. If the validation does not pass, the failure is recorded in the log files in the app_server_root/logs/update/tmp directory.

Location of the maintenance package to be installed

Default directive setting

-W maintenance.package=""

Valid setting

Set this directive to the location of the maintenance package PAK file. For example, you might specify the following location on a Linux system:


Error identifiers:

  • Maintenance package maintenance_package_name is already installed on the system.

  • Selected product is not supported.

  • Configuration failed. The config action that failed was: configuration_action.

  • Install the following prerequisite APARs before installing the current maintenance to the target product: list_ of_ prerequisite_ maintenance_ packages_ to_ install

  • Install the following prerequisite maintenance packages before installing the package you are currently attempting to install: list_ of_ prerequisite_ maintenance_ packages_ to_ install

  • Uninstall the following APARs before applying the current maintenance to the target product: list_ of_ prerequisite_ maintenance_ packages_ to_ uninstall

  • Uninstall the following maintenance packages before applying the current maintenance to the target product: list_ of_ prerequisite_ maintenance_ packages_ to_ uninstall

  • Unable to locate the correct version of the_update_installer. Looking for version version_identifier.

  • Maintenance_package is not a valid maintenance package.

Product location

Default directive setting


Valid setting

Set this directive to the installation root directory of the product. For example, you might specify the following location on a Linux system:


Error identifiers:

  • Maintenance package maintenance_package_name is already installed on the system.

  • Selected product is not supported.

  • Configuration failed. The config action that failed was: configuration_action.

  • Install the following prerequisite APARs before installing the current maintenance to the target product: list_ of_ prerequisite_ maintenance_ packages_ to_ install

  • Install the following prerequisite maintenance packages before installing the package you are currently attempting to install: list_ of_ prerequisite_ maintenance_ packages_ to_ install

  • Uninstall the following APARs before applying the current maintenance to the target product: list_ of_ prerequisite_ maintenance_ packages_ to_ uninstall

  • Uninstall the following maintenance packages before applying the current maintenance to the target product: list_ of_ prerequisite_ maintenance_ packages_ to_ uninstall

  • Unable to locate the correct version of the_update_installer. Looking for version version_identifier.

  • Maintenance_package is not a valid maintenance package.

  • Alternate_product_directory could not be validated as an existing directory.


Usage notes


Example install.txt file

Edit the version of the file that is included in the Update Installer for WebSphere Software ZIP file. The following example is not guaranteed to be an accurate representation of the actual file.

# This is the silent install response file for installing maintenance packages
# using the update installer.
# A common use of an options file is to run the wizard in silent mode. This lets
# the options file author specify wizard settings without having to run the
# wizard in graphical or console mode. To use this options file for silent mode
# execution, *uncomment* and modify the parameters defined within.
# Use the following command line when running the wizard from the update 
# installer directory:
#    update -options responsefiles/install.txt -silent
# Please enclose all values within a single pair of double quotes.

# Used to input the maintenance package full filename specification to be installed. 
# Edit as appropriate.
# ie. -W maintenance.package="C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\updateinstaller\maintenance\PQ20029.pak"

If no package is specified, a default of the last downloaded maintenance # package will be used (based on timestamp). # #-W maintenance.package= ################################################################################ # # Used to input the product install location that will be updated. # # ie. -W product.location="C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer" # #

WAS install location should always been specified, and it should # always be the full path. # -W product.location="<SPECIFY_PRODUCT_INSTALL_LOCATION_HERE>" ################################################################################ # # Do not edit these values. # # -W update.type="install"


Related information

Installing maintenance packages
update command


Reference topic