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PropFilePasswordEncoder command reference


The PropFilePasswordEncoder command encodes passwords that are located in plain text property files. This command encodes both Secure Authentication Server (SAS) property files and non-SAS property files. After you encode the passwords, a decoding command does not exist. To encode passwords, run this command from the directory:

SAS is supported only between V6.0.x and previous version servers federated in a V6.1 cell.



The command syntax is as follows:

PropFilePasswordEncoder "file_name"



The following option is available for the PropFilePasswordEncoder command:


[This information applies to V6.0.x and previous servers only that are federated in a V6.1 cell.]

This parameter is required if you are encoding passwords in the sas.client.props file.

-help or -?

If you specify this parameter, the script ignores all other parameters and displays usage text.



[This information applies to V6.0.x and previous servers only that are federated in a V6.1 cell.] The following examples demonstrate the correct syntax:

PropFilePasswordEncoder "file_name" password_properties_list
PropFilePasswordEncoder "file_name" -SAS


Related tasks

Encoding password in files


Reference topic