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Prepare the localizable-text package for deployment


The LocalizableTextEJBDeploy tool is used to create a deployment Java Archive (JAR) file for the localizable text service. You must deploy the enterprise bean in each enterprise application that requires support for localized text. Write code to compose the language-specific strings.



  1. Verify the LocalizableTextEJBDeploy tool is included in the class path.

    For transitioning users: In versions 6.0.x and earlier, the LocalizableTextEJBDeploy tool used to reside in the file app_server_root/lib/ltext.jar. It now resides in the file app_server_root/plugins/com.ibm.ws.runtime_1.0.0.jar.trns

  2. Set up a working directory for the LocalizableTextEJBDeploy tool to use. We need to pass this location to the tool through a command-line interface.

  3. Run the LocalizableTextEJBDeploy tool. You might be asked if you want to regenerate deployment code for the LocalizableText bean. Do not redeploy the bean; if you do, an incorrect Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) name will be generated.

    To deploy the bean on multiple hosts and servers, run the tool for each host and server combination. This action generates a unique JNDI name for each deployment. After the tool is run, a deployment JAR file is located in the working directory specified.


What to do next

Use an assembly tool, assemble the deployment JAR file in an enterprise application with other application components. As part of preparing for deployment, perform the following:

The same deployment JAR file can be included in several enterprise applications.

LocalizableTextEJBDeploy command


Related tasks

Task overview: Internationalizing interface strings (localizable-text API)
Task overview: Using enterprise beans in applications