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Modify nested attributes with the wsadmin tool


You can modify nested attributes for a configuration object using scripting and the wsadmin tool.



The attributes for a WAS configuration object are often deeply nested. For example, a JDBCProvider object has an attribute factory, which is a list of the J2EEResourceFactory type objects. These objects can be DataSource objects that contain a connectionPool attribute with a ConnectionPool type that contains a variety of primitive attributes.



  1. Invoke the AdminConfig object commands interactively, in a script, or use the wsadmin -c commands from an operating system command prompt.

  2. Obtain the configuration ID of the object...

    Using Jacl:

    set t1 [$AdminConfig getid /DataSource:TechSamp/]

    Using Jython:


    set Jacl command
    t1 variable name
    $ Jacl operator for substituting a variable name with its value
    AdminConfig object representing the WebSphere Application Server configuration
    getid AdminConfig command
    DataSource object type
    TechSamp name of the object that will be modified

  3. Modify one of the object parents and specify the location of the nested attribute within the parent...

    Use Jacl:

    $AdminConfig modify $t1 {{connectionPool {{reapTime 2003}}}}

    Use Jython list:

    AdminConfig.modify(t1, [["connectionPool", [["reapTime", 2003]]]])

    Using Jython string:

    AdminConfig.modify(t1, '[[connectionPool [[reapTime 2003]]]]')

    $ Jacl operator for substituting a variable name with its value
    AdminConfig object representing the WebSphere Application Server configuration
    modify AdminConfig command
    t1 evaluates to the configuration ID of the datasource in step number 2
    connectionPool attribute
    reapTime nested attribute within the connectionPool attribute
    2003 value of the reapTime attribute

  4. Save the configuration by issuing an AdminConfig save command. For example:

    Use Jacl:

    $AdminConfig save

    Use Jython:

    Use the reset command of the AdminConfig object to undo changes that you made to your workspace since your last save.



An alternative way to modify nested attributes is to modify the nested attribute directly...

Use Jacl:

set techsamp [$AdminConfig getid /DataSource:TechSamp/] set pool [$AdminConfig showAttribute $techsamp connectionPool]
$AdminConfig modify $pool {{reapTime 2003}}

Use Jython list:

techsamp=AdminConfig.getid('/DataSource:TechSamp/') pool=AdminConfig.showAttribute(techsamp,'connectionPool')

Use Jython string:

techsamp=AdminConfig.getid('/DataSource:TechSamp/') pool=AdminConfig.showAttribute(techsamp,'connectionPool')
AdminConfig.modify(pool,'[[reapTime 2003]]')
In this example, the first command gets the configuration id of the DataSource, and the second command gets the connectionPool attribute. The third command sets the reapTime attribute on the ConnectionPool object directly.