Manually uninstalling Web server plug-ins for WebSphere Application Server
You can uninstall Web server plug-ins for WAS manually, instead of using the uninstaller program. Try uninstalling Web server plug-ins for WAS using the uninstaller program. Use this manual procedure if the uninstaller is not available for some reason.
To manually uninstall the Web server plug-ins, delete the installation root directory for the Web server plug-ins for WAS. Deleting the directory removes the binary plug-ins.
- Delete the installation root directory for Web server plug-ins for WAS.
- Delete the Web server definition in the appserver configuration. You can delete a Web server definition from the admin console OR by using the following wsadmin commands:
$AdminTask deleteServer { -serverName webserver1 -nodeName WebserverHostName-node_node } $AdminTask removeUnmanagedNode { -nodeName WebserverHostName-node_node } $AdminConfig save
- Manually delete GSKit.
Use the following procedure to verify that no other products are registered in GSKit before running the isuninst command.
- Click Start > Run and run the regedit command to edit the registry.
- Change directories to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\GSKx\CurrentVersion\REGAPP, where x is the version of GSKit, such as GSK7.
- Look for other products that are registered within GSKit. Look for entries other than the default entry and for products other than IBM HTTP Server and Web Server plug-ins for WAS. If the following entries are the only ones present, you can delete GSKit as described in the following step:
- (Default)
- IHS60
- Run the following command to invoke the GSKit Uninstaller program:
isuninst -f"gskit_root\gsk7BUI.isu"This command removes GSKit, regardless of whether or not other applications are registered as using GSKit.
- Reconfigure any Web servers that were configured to use the binary plug-ins that you deleted.
See Edit Web server configuration files.
- Delete the following registry keys using the platform-specific steps described in Uninstall manually.
Operating system Registry keys AIX, Linux, and Windows WSPAA60, WSPAA60DefineglobalconstantsComponent, WSPAA60DefinelocalvariablesComponent, WSPAA60LicensingComponent, WSPAA60Webserverplugins, WSPAA60WebserverpluginsComponent, WSPAA60AddBytes, WSPAA60gskit, WSPAA60gskitComponent HP-UX WSPAA60, WSPAA60DGCC, WSPAA60DLVC, WSPAA60LC, WSPAA60WSPC, WSPAA60AddBytesHS, WSPAA60gskitHP, WSPAA60gskitHPC, WSPAA60jdkHP Solaris WSPAA60, WSPAA60AC, WSPAA60BC, WSPAA60CC, WSPAA60DC, WSPAA60FC, WSPAA60FB, WSPAA60GC, WSPAA60HC
Deleting the installation root directory for the Web server plug-ins for WAS removes the binary plug-ins. Any Web servers that are configured to use the deleted binary modules do not work.
What to do next
After uninstalling the Web server plug-ins for WebSphere Application Server, you can reinstall the plug-ins. Reinstalling the Web server plug-ins for WAS and reconfiguring the Web servers restores their functionality.See Installing Web server plug-ins for information about other installation scenarios for reinstalling Web server plug-ins.