Dynamic cache PMI counter definitions
The dynamic cache statistics interface is defined as WSDynamicCacheStats under the com\ibm\websphere\pmi\stat package. Dynamic cache statistics are structured as follows in the Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) tree:
__Dynamic Caching+ | |__<Servlet: instance_1> |__Templates+ |__<template_1> |__<template_2> |__Disk+ |__<Disk Offload Enabled> | |__<Object: instance_2> |__Object Cache+ |__<Counters> + indicates logical groupStatDescriptor locates and accesses particular statistics in the PMI tree. For example:
- StatDescriptor to represent statistics for cache servlet: instance_1 templates group template_1: new StatDescriptor (new String[] {WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME, "Servlet: instance1", WSDynamicCacheStats.TEMPLATE_GROUP, "template_1"});
- StatDescriptor to represent statistics for cache servlet: instance_1 disk group Disk Offload Enabled: new StatDescriptor (new String[] {WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME, "Servlet: instance_1", WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_GROUP, WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_OFFLOAD_ENABLED});
- StatDescriptor to represent statistics for cache object: instance2 object cache group Counters: new StatDescriptor (new String[] {WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME, "Object: instance_2", WSDynamicCacheStats.OBJECT_GROUP, WSDynamicCacheStats.OBJECT_COUNTERS});
Cache instance names are prepended with cache type ("Servlet: " or "Object: ").
Counter definitions for Servlet Cache
Name of PMI statistics Path Description Version WSDynamicCacheStats.MaxInMemoryCacheEntryCount WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Servlet: instance_1“ The maximum number of in-memory cache entries. 5.0 and later WSDynamicCacheStats.InMemoryCacheEntryCount WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Servlet: instance_1“ The current number of in-memory cache entries 5.0 and later WSDynamicCacheStats.HitsInMemoryCount WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Servlet: cache_instance_1“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.TEMPLATE_GROUP -“Template_1” The number of requests for cacheable objects that are served from memory. 5.0 and later WSDynamicCacheStats.HitsOnDiskCount WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Servlet: cache_instance_1“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.TEMPLATE_GROUP -“Template_1” The number of requests for cacheable objects that are served from disk. 5.0 and later WSDynamicCacheStats.ExplicitInvalidationCount WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Servlet: cache_instance_1“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.TEMPLATE_GROUP -“Template_1” The number of explicit invalidations. 5.0 and later WSDynamicCacheStats.LruInvalidationCount WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Servlet: cache_instance_1“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.TEMPLATE_GROUP -“Template_1 The number of cache entries that are removed from memory by a Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm. instance. 5.0 and later WSDynamicCacheStats.TimeoutInvalidationCount WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Servlet: cache_instance_1“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.TEMPLATE_GROUP -“Template_1” The number of cache entries that are removed from memory and disk because their timeout has expired. 5.0 and later WSDynamicCacheStats.InMemoryAndDiskCacheEntryCount WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Servlet: cache_instance_1“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.TEMPLATE_GROUP -“Template_1” The current number of used cache entries in memory and disk. 5.0 and later WSDynamicCacheStats.RemoteHitCount WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Servlet: cache_instance_1“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.TEMPLATE_GROUP -“Template_1” The number of requests for cacheable objects that are served from other Java virtual machines within the replication domain. 5.0 and later WSDynamicCacheStats.MissCount WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Servlet: cache_instance_1“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.TEMPLATE_GROUP -“Template_1” The number of requests for cacheable objects that were not found in the cache. 5.0 and later WSDynamicCacheStats.ClientRequestCount WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Servlet: cache_instance_1“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.TEMPLATE_GROUP -“Template_1” The number of requests for cacheable objects that are generated by applications running on this appserver. 5.0 and later WSDynamicCacheStats.DistributedRequestCount WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Servlet: cache_instance_1“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.TEMPLATE_GROUP -“Template_1” The number of requests for cacheable objects that are generated by cooperating caches in this replication domain. 5.0 and later WSDynamicCacheStats.ExplicitMemoryInvalidationCount WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Servlet: cache_instance_1“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.TEMPLATE_GROUP -“Template_1” The number of explicit invalidations resulting in the removal of an entry from memory. 5.0 and later WSDynamicCacheStats.ExplicitDiskInvalidationCount WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Servlet: cache_instance_1“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.TEMPLATE_GROUP -“Template_1” The number of explicit invalidations resulting in the removal of an entry from disk. 5.0 and later WSDynamicCacheStats.LocalExplicitInvalidationCount WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Servlet: cache_instance_1“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.TEMPLATE_GROUP -“Template_1” The number of explicit invalidations generated locally, either programmatically or by a cache policy. 5.0 and later WSDynamicCacheStats.RemoteExplicitInvalidationCount WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Servlet: cache_instance_1“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.TEMPLATE_GROUP -“Template_1” The number of explicit invalidations received from a cooperating Java virtual machine in this replication domain. 5.0 and later WSDynamicCacheStats.RemoteCreationCount WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Servlet: cache_instance_1“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.TEMPLATE_GROUP -“Template_1” The number of cache entries that are received from cooperating dynamic caches. 5.0 and later
Name of PMI statistics Path Description Version WSDynamicCacheStats.ObjectsOnDisk WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Servlet: cache_instance_1“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_GROUP -“ WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_OFFLOAD_ENABLED The current number of cache entries on disk. 6.1 WSDynamicCacheStats.HitsOnDisk WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Servlet: cache_instance_1“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_GROUP -“ WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_OFFLOAD_ENABLED The number of requests for cacheable objects that are served from disk. 6.1 WSDynamicCacheStats.ExplicitInvalidationsFromDisk WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Servlet: cache_instance_1“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_GROUP -“ WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_OFFLOAD_ENABLED The number of explicit invalidations resulting in the removal of entries from disk. 6.1 WSDynamicCacheStats.TimeoutInvalidationsFromDisk WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Servlet: cache_instance_1“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_GROUP -“ WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_OFFLOAD_ENABLED The number of disk timeouts. 6.1 WSDynamicCacheStats PendingRemovalFromDisk WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Servlet: cache_instance_1“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_GROUP -“ WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_OFFLOAD_ENABLED The current number of pending entries that are to be removed from disk. 6.1 WSDynamicCacheStats.DependencyIdsOnDisk WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Servlet: cache_instance_1“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_GROUP -“ WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_OFFLOAD_ENABLED The current number of dependency ID that are on disk. 6.1 WSDynamicCacheStats.DependencyIdsBufferedForDisk WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Servlet: cache_instance_1“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_GROUP -“ WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_OFFLOAD_ENABLED The current number of dependency IDs that are buffered for the disk. 6.1 WSDynamicCacheStats.DependencyIdsOffloadedToDisk WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Servlet: cache_instance_1“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_GROUP -“ WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_OFFLOAD_ENABLED The number of dependency IDs that are offloaded to disk. 6.1 WSDynamicCacheStats.DependencyIdBasedInvalidationsFromDisk WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Servlet: cache_instance_1“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_GROUP -“ WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_OFFLOAD_ENABLED The number of dependency ID-based invalidations. 6.1 WSDynamicCacheStats.TemplatesOnDisk WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Servlet: cache_instance_1“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_GROUP -“ WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_OFFLOAD_ENABLED The current number of templates that are on disk. 6.1 WSDynamicCacheStats.TemplatesBufferedForDisk WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Servlet: cache_instance_1“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_GROUP -“ WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_OFFLOAD_ENABLED The current number of templates that are buffered for the disk. 6.1 WSDynamicCacheStats.TemplatesOffloadedToDisk WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Servlet: cache_instance_1“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_GROUP -“ WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_OFFLOAD_ENABLED The number of templates that are offloaded to disk. 6.1 WSDynamicCacheStats.TemplateBasedInvalidationsFromDisk WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Servlet: cache_instance_1“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_GROUP -“ WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_OFFLOAD_ENABLED The number of template-based invalidations. 6.1 WSDynamicCacheStats.GarbageCollectorInvalidationsFromDisk WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Servlet: cache_instance_1“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_GROUP -“ WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_OFFLOAD_ENABLED The number of garbage collector invalidations resulting in the removal of entries from disk cache due to high threshold has been reached. 6.1 WSDynamicCacheStats.OverflowInvalidationsFromDisk WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Servlet: cache_instance_1 “ - WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_GROUP -“ WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_OFFLOAD_ENABLED The number of invalidations resulting in the removal of entries from disk due to exceeding the disk cache size or disk cache size in GB limit. 6.1
Counter definitions for Object Cache
Name of PMI Statistics Path Description Version WSDynamicCacheStats.MaxInMemoryCacheEntryCount WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Object: instance_2“ The maximum number of in-memory cache entries. 5.0 and later WSDynamicCacheStats.InMemoryCacheEntryCount WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Object: instance_2“ The current number of in-memory cache entries 5.0 and later WSDynamicCacheStats.HitsInMemoryCount WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Object: cache_instance_2“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.OBJECT_GROUP - WSDynamicCacheStats OBJECT_COUNTERS The number of requests for cacheable objects that are served from memory. 5.0 and later WSDynamicCacheStats.HitsOnDiskCount WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Object: cache_instance_2“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.OBJECT_GROUP - WSDynamicCacheStats OBJECT_COUNTERS The number of requests for cacheable objects that are served from disk. 5.0 and later WSDynamicCacheStats.ExplicitInvalidationCount WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Object: cache_instance_2“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.OBJECT_GROUP - WSDynamicCacheStats OBJECT_COUNTERS The number of explicit invalidations. 5.0 and later WSDynamicCacheStats.LruInvalidationCount WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Object: cache_instance_2“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.OBJECT_GROUP - WSDynamicCacheStats OBJECT_COUNTERS The number of cache entries that are removed from memory by a Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm. instance. 5.0 and later WSDynamicCacheStats.TimeoutInvalidationCount WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Object: cache_instance_2“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.OBJECT_GROUP - WSDynamicCacheStats OBJECT_COUNTERS The number of cache entries that are removed from memory and disk because their timeout has expired. 5.0 and later WSDynamicCacheStats.InMemoryAndDiskCacheEntryCount WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Object: cache_instance_2“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.OBJECT_GROUP - WSDynamicCacheStats OBJECT_COUNTERS The current number of used cache entries in memory and disk. 5.0 and later WSDynamicCacheStats.RemoteHitCount WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Object: cache_instance_2“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.OBJECT_GROUP - WSDynamicCacheStats OBJECT_COUNTERS The number of requests for cacheable objects that are served from other Java virtual machines within the replication domain. 5.0 and later WSDynamicCacheStats.MissCount WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Object: cache_instance_2“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.OBJECT_GROUP - WSDynamicCacheStats OBJECT_COUNTERS The number of requests for cacheable objects that were not found in the cache. 5.0 and later WSDynamicCacheStats.ClientRequestCount WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Object: cache_instance_2“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.OBJECT_GROUP - WSDynamicCacheStats OBJECT_COUNTERS The number of requests for cacheable objects that are generated by applications running on this appserver. 5.0 and later WSDynamicCacheStats.DistributedRequestCount WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Object: cache_instance_2“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.OBJECT_GROUP - WSDynamicCacheStats OBJECT_COUNTERS The number of requests for cacheable objects that are generated by cooperating caches in this replication domain. 5.0 and later WSDynamicCacheStats.ExplicitMemoryInvalidationCount WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Object: cache_instance_2“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.OBJECT_GROUP - WSDynamicCacheStats OBJECT_COUNTERS The number of explicit invalidations resulting in the removal of an entry from memory. 5.0 and later WSDynamicCacheStats.ExplicitDiskInvalidationCount WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Object: cache_instance_2“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.OBJECT_GROUP - WSDynamicCacheStats OBJECT_COUNTERS The number of explicit invalidations resulting in the removal of an entry from disk. 5.0 and later WSDynamicCacheStats.LocalExplicitInvalidationCount WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Object: cache_instance_2“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.OBJECT_GROUP - WSDynamicCacheStats OBJECT_COUNTERS The number of explicit invalidations generated locally, either programmatically or by a cache policy. 5.0 and later WSDynamicCacheStats.RemoteExplicitInvalidationCount WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Object: cache_instance_2“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.OBJECT_GROUP - WSDynamicCacheStats OBJECT_COUNTERS The number of explicit invalidations received from a cooperating Java virtual machine in this replication domain. 5.0 and later WSDynamicCacheStats.RemoteCreationCount WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Object: cache_instance_2“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.OBJECT_GROUP - WSDynamicCacheStats OBJECT_COUNTERS The number of cache entries that are received from cooperating dynamic caches. 5.0 and later
Name of PMI statistics Path Description Version WSDynamicCacheStats.ObjectsOnDisk WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Object: cache_instance_2“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_GROUP -“ WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_OFFLOAD_ENABLED The current number of cache entries on disk. 6.1 WSDynamicCacheStats.HitsOnDisk WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Object: cache_instance_2“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_GROUP -“ WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_OFFLOAD_ENABLED The number of requests for cacheable objects that are served from disk. 6.1 WSDynamicCacheStats.ExplicitInvalidationsFromDisk WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Object: cache_instance_2“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_GROUP -“ WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_OFFLOAD_ENABLED The number of explicit invalidations resulting in the removal of entries from disk. 6.1 WSDynamicCacheStats.TimeoutInvalidationsFromDisk WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Object: cache_instance_2“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_GROUP -“ WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_OFFLOAD_ENABLED The number of disk timeouts. 6.1 WSDynamicCacheStats PendingRemovalFromDisk WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Object: cache_instance_2“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_GROUP -“ WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_OFFLOAD_ENABLED The current number of pending entries that are to be removed from disk. 6.1 WSDynamicCacheStats.DependencyIdsOnDisk WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Object: cache_instance_2“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_GROUP -“ WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_OFFLOAD_ENABLED The current number of dependency ID that are on disk. 6.1 WSDynamicCacheStats.DependencyIdsBufferedForDisk WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Object: cache_instance_2“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_GROUP -“ WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_OFFLOAD_ENABLED The current number of dependency IDs that are buffered for the disk. 6.1 WSDynamicCacheStats.DependencyIdsOffloadedToDisk WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Object: cache_instance_2“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_GROUP -“ WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_OFFLOAD_ENABLED The number of dependency IDs that are offloaded to disk. 6.1 WSDynamicCacheStats.DependencyIdBasedInvalidationsFromDisk WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Object: cache_instance_2“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_GROUP -“ WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_OFFLOAD_ENABLED The number of dependency ID-based invalidations. 6.1 WSDynamicCacheStats.TemplatesOnDisk WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Object: cache_instance_2“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_GROUP -“ WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_OFFLOAD_ENABLED The current number of templates that are on disk. 6.1 WSDynamicCacheStats.TemplatesBufferedForDisk WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Object: cache_instance_2“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_GROUP / -“ WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_OFFLOAD_ENABLED The current number of templates that are buffered for the disk. 6.1 WSDynamicCacheStats.TemplatesOffloadedToDisk WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Object: cache_instance_2“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_GROUP -“ WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_OFFLOAD_ENABLED The number of templates that are offloaded to disk. 6.1 WSDynamicCacheStats.TemplateBasedInvalidationsFromDisk WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Object: cache_instance_2“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_GROUP -“ WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_OFFLOAD_ENABLED The number of template-based invalidations. 6.1 WSDynamicCacheStats.GarbageCollectorInvalidationsFromDisk WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Object: cache_instance_2“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_GROUP -“ WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_OFFLOAD_ENABLED The number of garbage collector invalidations resulting in the removal of entries from disk cache due to high threshold has been reached. 6.1 WSDynamicCacheStats.OverflowInvalidationsFromDisk WSDynamicCacheStats.NAME - “Object: cache_instance_2“ - WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_GROUP -“ WSDynamicCacheStats.DISK_OFFLOAD_ENABLED The number of invalidations resulting in the removal of entries from disk due to exceeding the disk cache size or disk cache size in GB limit. 6.1
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