Configure single sign-on using the trust association interceptor
This task is performed to enable single sign-on using the trust association interceptor. These steps involve setting up trust association and creating the interceptor properties.
LTPA is the default authentication mechanism for WAS. You can configure LTPA prior to configuring SSO by clicking Security > Secure administration, applications, and infrastructure > Authentication mechanisms and expiration.
To establish the trust association for the single sign-on, perform the following steps:
- From the console for WebSphere Application Server, click Security > Secure administration, applications, and infrastructure.
- Under Web security, click Trust association.
- Select the Enable trust association option.
- Under Additional properties, click the Interceptors link.
- Click to use a WebSEAL interceptor. This interceptor is one of two WebSEAL interceptors that are supplied for your use. You choose to use this interceptor by supplying properties as described in the next step. The other interceptor that is supplied is
WAS attempts to initialize both of these interceptors even if you only supplied properties for the interceptor. As a result, messages AWXRB0008E and SECJ0384E can appear during initialization to indicate that the interceptor you did not choose has failed to initialize. This is normal processing and does not affect the initialization of the interceptor you did select. To inhibit the display of messages AWXRB0008E and SECJ0384E, you can delete the interceptor you do not want to use prior to beginning the initialization. You can add that interceptor back later if your environment changes.
- Under Additional properties, click Custom Properties.
- Click New to enter the property name and value pairs. Ensure the following parameters are set:
Table 1. Trust association interceptor properties Option Description trustassociation.typesEnsure that webseal is listed. webseal.loginIdThe WebSEAL trusted user as created in Creating a trusted user account in Tivoli Access Manager The format of the username is the short name representation. This property is mandatory. If the property is not set in the WAS, TAI initialization fails. webseal.idThe iv-user header, which is webseal.hostnamesDo not set this property if using Tivoli Access Manager plug-in for Web servers. The host names (case sensitive) are trusted and expected in the request header. The host names defined in this property are compared against the via header. For example:
This includes the proxy host names unless the is set to true. Obtain a list of servers using the server list pdadmin command.
The via header is part of the standard HTTP header that records the server names the request passed through. webseal.portsDo not set this property if using Tivoli Access Manager Plug-in for Web Servers. The corresponding port number of the host names that are expected are in the request header. This includes the proxy ports unless the is set to true. For example:,443 webseal.ignoreProxyAn optional property that if set to true or yes ignores the proxy host names and ports in the IV header. By default this property is set to false.
- Click OK.
- Save the configuration and log out.
- Restart WAS.
Trust associations
Related tasks
Configure single sign-on capability with Tivoli Access Manager or WebSEAL
Creating a trusted user account in Tivoli Access Manager
Integrating third-party HTTP reverse proxy servers