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Configure mail providers and sessions


A mail provider encapsulates a collection of protocol providers like SMTP, IMAP and POP3, while mail sessions authenticate users and controls users' access to messaging systems. Configure your own mail providers and sessions to customize how JavaMail is handled.



WAS includes a default mail provider called the built-in provider. If you use the default mail provider you only have to configure the mail session, which is the last step in this task. To use the customized mail provider first create the mail provider and session.



  1. Open the console.

  2. Click Resources > Mail.

  3. Click Mail Providers.

  4. Create the mail provider.

    1. Select the scope for the new mail provider.

    2. Click New.

    3. Type the name of the mail provider in the name field.

    4. Click Apply or OK.

  5. Define the protocol provider for the mail provider.

    1. Click mail_provider.

    2. Click Protocol Providers.

    3. Click New.

    4. Type the protocol name in the Protocol field.

    5. Type the class name in the Class name field.

    6. Click Apply or OK.

    Ensure that every mail session is defined under a parent mail provider. Select a mail provider first and then create your new mail session.

  6. Create the mail session.

    1. Click mail_provider.

    2. Click Mail Sessions.

    3. Click New.

    4. Type the mail session name in the Name field.

    5. Type the JNDI name in the JNDI Name field.

    6. Click Apply or OK.

  7. Configure the mail session.

    1. Click mail_provider.

    2. Click Mail Sessions.

    3. Click mail_session.

    4. Make changes to appropriate fields.

    5. Click Apply or OK.


What to do next

If your application has a client you can configure JavaMail providers and sessions using the Application Client Resource Configuration Tool (ACRCT).

Mail provider collection

Mail provider settings

Protocol providers collection

Protocol providers settings

Mail session collection

Mail session settings

JavaMail system properties


Related tasks

Configure new mail sessions for application clients
Configure mail providers and sessions for application clients