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Configure UDDI Security with WAS security disabled


To configure UDDI security, you can use the UDDI V3 security API or the UDDI V1 and V2 publish security features. Because WAS security is disabled, authentication tokens will be required for publish and custody transfer requests.



With WAS security disabled, neither WAS security roles nor data confidentiality constraints apply. This mode may be useful for test UDDI registry configurations. In this mode, UDDI V1 and V2 security features are active:

No further configuration is required for UDDI V1 and V2 security.

For UDDI V3, the use of the UDDI V3 Security API, and the use of authentication tokens with V3 Publish and Custody Transfer APIs, is optional. To make use of these UDDI V3 security features, use the console to complete the following steps:



  1. Specify that use of authInfo is required. Click UDDI > UDDI Nodes > uddi_node_name.

  2. In the General Properties section, select the Use authInfo credentials if provided check box.

  3. Click OK.



Authentication tokens will now be required for publish and custody transfer requests, but not for inquiry requests. Publishers requesting or using an authentication token must be registered WAS users.

Next topic: UDDI registry security additional considerations


Related tasks

Configure UDDI Security with WAS security enabled
Configure the UDDI registry to use UDDI security


Related Reference

Security API for the UDDI V3 registry