Commands for the AdminApp object



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Use the AdminApp object to install, modify, and administer applications.

The AdminApp object interacts with the WAS management and configuration services to make application inquiries and changes. This interaction includes installing and uninstalling applications, listing modules, exporting, and so on.

You can start the scripting client when no server is running, if you want to use only local operations. To run in local mode, use the -conntype NONE option to start the scripting client. You receive a message that you are running in the local mode. Running the AdminApp object in local mode when a server is currently running is not recommended. This is because any configuration changes made in local mode will not be reflected in the running server configuration and vice versa. If you save a conflicting configuration, you could corrupt the configuration.

In a deployment manager environment, configuration updates are available only if a scripting client is connected to a deployment manager.

When connected to a node agent or a managed appserver, you will not be able to update the configuration because the configuration for these server processes are copies of the master configuration which resides in the deployment manager. The copies are created on a node machine when a configuration synchronization occurs between the deployment manager and the node agent. Make configuration changes to the server processes by connecting a scripting client to a deployment manager. For this reason, to change a configuration, do not run a scripting client in local mode on a node machine. It is not a supported configuration.

The following commands are available for the AdminApp object:



Deletes users or groups for all roles, and deletes user IDs and passwords for all of the RunAs roles that are defined in the application.

Example usage:

Use Jacl:

$AdminApp deleteUserAndGroupEntries myapp

Use Jython:




Edits an application or module in non-interactive mode.

The edit command changes the application deployment. Specify these changes in the options parameter. No options are required for the edit command.

Example usage:

Use Jacl:

$AdminApp edit "JavaMail Sample" {-MapWebModToVH {{"JavaMail Sample WebApp" mtcomps.war,WEB-INF/web.xml newVH}}}

Use Jython with string options:

AdminApp.edit("JavaMail Sample", '[-MapWebModToVH [["JavaMail 32 Sample WebApp" mtcomps.war,WEB-INF/web.xml newVH]]]')

Using Jython with list options:

option = [["JavaMail 32 Sample WebApp", "mtcomps.war,WEB-INF/web.xml", "newVH"]] mapVHOption = ["-MapWebModToVH", option] AdminApp.edit("JavaMail Sample", mapVHOption)



Edits an application or module in interactive mode.

The editInteractive command changes the application deployment. Specify these changes in the options parameter. No options are required for the editInteractive command.

Example usage:

Use Jacl:

$AdminApp editInteractive ivtApp

Using Jython:




Exports the application appname parameter to a file specified by file name.

Example usage:

Use Jacl:

$AdminApp export "My App" /usr/me/myapp.ear

Using Jython:

AdminApp.export("My App", '/usr/me/myapp.ear')



Extracts the data definition language (DDL) from the application appname parameter to the directoryname parameter that a directory specifies. The options parameter is optional.

Example usage:

Use Jacl:

$AdminApp exportDDL "My App" /usr/me/DDL {-ddlprefix myApp}

Use Jython:

AdminApp.exportDDL("My App", '/usr/me/DDL', '[-ddlprefix myApp]')



Displays general help for the AdminApp object.

Example usage:

Use Jacl:

$AdminApp help

Using Jython:

Example output:

WASX7095I: The AdminApp object allows  application objects to  be manipulated including installing,  uninstalling, editing, and listing.  Most of the commands supported by 
AdminApp operate in two modes: the default mode is one in which 
AdminApp communicates with the WAS to accomplish its  tasks.  A local mode is also possible, in which no server communication  takes place.  The local mode of operation is invoked by including the 
"-conntype NONE" flag in the option string supplied to the command.

The following commands are supported by 
AdminApp; more detailed information about each of these commands  is available by using the
"help" command of AdminApp and supplying the  name of the command as an argument.
 edit            Edit the properties of an  application editInteractive Edit the properties of an  application interactively export          Export application to a file exportDDL      Extract DDL from application  to a directory help            Show help information install         Installs an application, given  a file name and an option string.
installInteractive                 Installs an application in  interactive mode, given a file name
                and an option string. list            List all installed applications listModules     List the modules in a specified  application options         Shows the options available,  either for a given file, or in
                general. taskInfo        Shows detailed information  pertaining to a given installation
             task for a given file uninstall       Uninstalls an application,  given an application name and
                an option string



Displays help for an AdminApp command or installation option.

Example usage:

Use Jacl:

$AdminApp help uninstall

Using Jython:

Example output:

WASX7102I: Method: uninstall
Arguments: application name, options
Description: Uninstalls application  named by "application name" using the options supplied by String 2.
Method: uninstall
Arguments: application name
Description: Uninstalls the application specified by
"application name" using default options.



Installs an application in non-interactive mode, given a fully qualified file name and a string of installation options. The options parameter is optional.

Example usage:

Use Jacl:

$AdminApp install c:/apps/myapp.ear

Using Jython:

Many options are available for this command. You can obtain a list of valid options for an EAR file with the following command:

Use Jacl:

$AdminApp options myApp.ear

Using Jython:

You can also obtain help for each object with the following command:

Use Jacl:

$AdminApp help MapModulesToServers

Using Jython:'MapModulesToServers')



Installs an application in interactive mode, given a

fully qualified file name and a string of installation options. The options parameter is optional.

Example usage:

Use Jacl:

$AdminApp installInteractive c:/websphere/appserver/ installableApps/jmsample.ear

Use Jython:

AdminApp.installInteractive('c:/websphere/appserver/ installableApps/jmsample.ear')



Tests to see if the specified application has been distributed and is ready to be run. Returns a value of true if the application is ready, or a value of false if the application is not ready. This command is not supported when the wsadmin tool is not connected to a server.

Example usage:

Use Jacl:

$AdminApp isAppReady DefaultApplication

Using Jython:

Example output:

ADMA5071I: Distribution status check started for a pplication DefaultApplication. WebSphere:cell=Node03Cell,node=myNode,distribution
ADMA5011I: The cleanup of the temp directory for a pplication DefaultApplication is complete.
ADMA5072I: Distribution status check completed for
 application DefaultApplication. true



Tests to see if the specified application has been distributed and is ready to be run. Valid values for the ignoreUnknownState parameter include true and false. If you specify a value of true, nodes and servers with an unknown state will not be included in the final ready return. The command returns a value of true if the application is ready or a value of false if the application is not ready. This command is not supported when the wsadmin tool is not connected to a server.

Example usage:

Use Jacl:

$AdminApp isAppReady TEST true

Using Jython:

AdminApp.isAppReady('TEST', 'true')
Example output:

ADMA5071I: Distribution status check started for a pplication TEST. WebSphere:cell=myCell,node=myNode,distribution=unknown
ADMA5011I: The cleanup of the temp directory for a pplication TEST is complete.
ADMA5072I: Distribution status check completed for
 application TEST. false



Lists the applications that are installed in the configuration.

Example usage:

Use Jacl:

$AdminApp list

Using Jython:

print AdminApp.list()
Example output:

DefaultApplication  ivtApp



Lists the applications that are installed on a given target scope in the configuration.

Example usage:

Using Jacl:

$AdminApp list WebSphere:cell=myCell,node=myNode, server=myServer

Use Jython:

print AdminApp.list("WebSphere:cell=myCell, node=myNode,server=myServer")
Example output:

SamplesGallery ivtApp



Lists the modules in an application.

The options parameter is optional. The valid option is -server. This option lists the appservers on which the modules are installed.

Example usage:

Use Jacl:

$AdminApp listModules ivtApp

Using Jython:

print AdminApp.listModules('ivtApp')
Example output:

ivtApp#ivtEJB.jar+META-INF/ejb-jar.xml ivtApp#ivt_app.war+WEB-INF/web.xml
This example is formed by the concatenation of appname, #, module URI, +, and DD URI. You can pass this string to the edit and editInteractive AdminApp commands.



Displays a list of options for installing an Enterprise Archive (EAR) file.

Example usage:

Use Jacl:

$AdminApp options c:/websphere/appserver/ installableApps/ivtApp.ear

Use Jython:

AdminApp.options('c:/websphere/appserver/ installableApps/ivtApp.ear')
Example usage:

WASX7112I: The following options are valid for 
GetServerName preCompileJSPs nopreCompileJSPs distributeApp nodistributeApp useMetaDataFromBinary nouseMetaDataFromBinary deployejb nodeployejb createMBeansForResources nocreateMBeansForResources reloadEnabled noreloadEnabled deployws nodeployws usedefaultbindings defaultbinding.force allowPermInFilterPolicy noallowPermInFilterPolicy verbose update update.ignore.old installed.ear.destination appname reloadInterval validateinstall deployejb.rmic deployejb.dbtype deployejb.dbschema deployejb.classpath deployws.classpath deployws.jardirs defaultbinding.datasource.jndi defaultbinding.datasource.username defaultbinding.datasource.password defaultbinding.ejbjndi.prefix defaultbinding.strategy.file server node cell cluster contextroot custom



Displays a list of options for editing an existing application.

Example usage:

Use Jacl:

$AdminApp options ivtApp

Using Jython:

Example output:

WASX7112I: The following options are valid for 
MapModulesToServers distributeApp nodistributeApp useMetaDataFromBinary nouseMetaDataFromBinary createMBeansForResources nocreateMBeansForResources reloadEnabled noreloadEnabled verbose installed.ear.destination reloadInterval



Displays a list of options for editing a module in an existing application.

Example usage:

Use Jacl:

$AdminApp options ivtApp#ivtEJB.jar+META-INF/ ejb-jar.xml

Use Jython:

AdminApp.options('ivtApp#ivtEJB.jar+META-INF/ ejb-jar.xml')
Example output:

WASX7112I: The following options are valid for 
MapModulesToServers verbose



Displays a list of options for installing or updating an application or application module file.

Example using the updateapp operation:

Using Jacl:

$AdminApp options c:/websphere/appserver/ installableApps/ ivtApp.ear updateapp

Use Jython:

AdminApp.options('c:/websphere/appserver/ installableApps/ ivtApp.ear', 'updateapp')

Example using the addmodule operation:

Using Jacl:

$AdminApp options myModule.jar addmodule

Use Jython:

AdminApp.options('DefaultWebApplication.war', 'addmodule')

Example output using the updateapp operation:

WASX7112I: The following options are valid for 
GetServerName preCompileJSPs nopreCompileJSPs distributeApp nodistributeApp useMetaDataFromBinary nouseMetaDataFromBinary deployejb nodeployejb createMBeansForResources nocreateMBeansForResources reloadEnabled noreloadEnabled deployws nodeployws usedefaultbindings defaultbinding.force allowPermInFilterPolicy noallowPermInFilterPolicy verbose update update.ignore.old installed.ear.destination reloadInterval deployejb.rmic deployejb.dbtype deployejb.dbschema deployejb.classpath deployws.classpath deployws.jardirs defaultbinding.datasource.jndi defaultbinding.datasource.username defaultbinding.datasource.password defaultbinding.ejbjndi.prefix defaultbinding.strategy.file appname contextroot custom contenturi contents operation

Example output using the addmodule operation:

WASX7112I: The following options are valid for 
GetServerName preCompileJSPs nopreCompileJSPs deployejb nodeployejb deployws nodeployws usedefaultbindings defaultbinding.force verbose defaultbinding.datasource.jndi defaultbinding.datasource.username defaultbinding.datasource.password defaultbinding.ejbjndi.prefix defaultbinding.strategy.file server node cell cluster contextroot custom contenturi contents operation



Publishes Web Services Description Language (WSDL) files for the application that is specified in the appname parameter to the file that is specified in the filename parameter.

Example usage:

Use Jacl:

$AdminApp publishWSDL JAXRPCHandlerServer c:/temp/

Use Jython:

AdminApp.publishWSDL('JAXRPCHandlerServer', 'c:/temp/')



Publishes Web Services Description Language (WSDL) files for the application that is specified in the appname parameter to the file that is specified in the filename parameter using the SOAP address prefixes that are specified in the soapAddressPrefixes parameter.

Example usage:

Use Jacl:

$AdminApp publishWSDL JAXRPCHandlersServer c:/temp/ {{JAXRPCHandlersServerApp.war {{http http://localhost:9080}}}}

Use Jython:

AdminApp.publishWSDL('JAXRPCHandlersServer', 'c:/temp/', '[[JAXRPCHandlersServerApp.war [[http http://localhost:9080]]]]')



Lists applications that refer to the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) name on a specific node.

Example usage:

The following example assumes that an installed application named MyApp has a JNDI name of eis/J2CCF1.

Using Jacl:

$AdminApp searchJNDIReferences $node {-JNDIName eis/J2CCF1 -verbose}

Use Jython:

print AdminApp.searchJNDIReferences(node, '[-JNDIName eis/J2CCF1 -verbose]')
Example output:

WASX7410W: This operation may take a while  depending on the number of applications installed
 in your system.
MapResRefToEJB :ejb-jar-ic.jar : [eis/J2CCF1]



Provides information about a particular task option for an application file.

Many task names have changed between V5.x and V6.x for similar or the exact same operation. You may need to update existing scripts if you are migrating from V5.x to V6.x.

Example usage:

Use Jacl:

$AdminApp taskInfo c:/websphere/appserver/installa bleApps/jmsample.ear MapWebModToVH

Use Jython:

print AdminApp.taskInfo('c:/websphere/appserver/in stallableApps/jmsample.ear', 'MapWebModToVH')
Example output:

MapWebModToVH: Selecting virtual hosts for Web modules
Specify the virtual host where you want to install  the Web modules that are contained in
your application. Web modules can be installed on  the same virtual host or dispersed among several hosts.
Each element of the MapWebModToVH task consists of 
 the following three fields: 
"webModule," "uri," "virtualHost."
Of these fields, the following fields might be  assigned  new values: "virtualHost"and the following are  required: "virtualHost"

The current contents of the task after running  default bindings are: webModule: JavaMail Sample WebApp uri: mtcomps.war,WEB-INF/web.xml virtualHost: default_host



Uninstalls an existing application.

Example usage:

Use Jacl:

$AdminApp uninstall myApp

Using Jython:

Example output:

ADMA5017I: Uninstallation of myapp started.
ADMA5104I: Server index entry for myCellManager  was  updated successfully.
ADMA5102I: Deletion of config data for myapp from config  repository completed successfully.
ADMA5011I: Cleanup of temp dir for app myapp done.
ADMA5106I: Application myapp uninstalled successfully.



Updates the access ID information for users and groups that are assigned to various roles that are defined in the application. The access IDs are read from the user registry and saved in the application bindings. This operation improves run-time performance of the application. Call this command after installing an application or after editing security role-specific information for an installed application. This method cannot be invoked when the -conntype option is set to NONE. You must be connected to a server to invoke this command.

The bALL Boolean parameter retrieves and saves all access IDs for users and groups in the application bindings. Specify false if you want to retrieve access IDs for users or groups that do not have an access ID in the application bindings.

Example usage:

Use Jacl:

$AdminApp updateAccessIDs myapp true

Using Jython:

AdminApp.updateAccessIDs('myapp', 'true')



View the task that is specified by the taskname option parameter for the application or by the module that is specified by the name parameter. Use -tasknames as the option to get a list of valid task names for the application. Otherwise, specify one or more task names as the option.

Example usage:

Use Jacl:

$AdminApp view adminconsole {-tasknames}

Using Jython:

AdminApp.view('adminconsole', ['-tasknames'])
Example output:


Use Jacl:

$AdminApp view adminconsole {-MapModulesToServers}

Using Jython:

AdminApp.view('adminconsole', ['-MapModulesToServers'])

Example output:

MapModulesToServers: Selecting Application Servers Specify the appserver where you want to install the modules that are contained in your application. Modules can be installed on the same server or dispersed among several servers: Module: adminconsole URI: adminconsole.war,WEB-INF/web.xml Server: WebSphere:cell=juniartiNetwork, node=juniartiManager,server=dmgr

Example usage:

Use Jacl:

$AdminApp view adminconsole#adminconsole. war+WEB-INF/ web.xml {-MapRolesToUsers}

Use Jython:

AdminApp.view('adminconsole#adminconsole.war+WEB-INF/ web.xml', ['-MapRolesToUsers'])

Example output:

MapRolesToUsers: Mapping Users to Roles

Each role that is defined in the application or  the module must be mapped to a user or a group  from the user registry of the domain:

Role:  administrator
Everyone?:  No
All Authenticated?:  No
Mapped Users:
Mapped Groups:
Role:  operator
Everyone?:  No
All Authenticated?:  No
Mapped Users:
Mapped Groups:
Role:  configurator
Everyone?:  No
All Authenticated?:  No
Mapped Users:
Mapped Groups:
Role:  monitor
Everyone?:  No
All Authenticated?:  No
Mapped Users:
Mapped Groups:



Updates an application in non-interactive mode. Provide the application name, content type, and update options.

Example usage:

Use Jacl:

$AdminApp update myApp file {-operation add -contents c:/apps/myApp/web.xml -contenturi META-INF/web.xml}

Using Jython with string options:

AdminApp.update(‘myApp’, ‘file’, ‘[-operation add -contents c:/apps/myApp/web.xml -contenturi META-INF/web.xml]’)

Using Jython with list options:

AdminApp.update(‘myApp’, ‘file’, [‘-operation’, ‘add’, ‘-contents’, ‘c:/apps/myApp/web.xml’, ‘-contenturi’, ‘META-INF/web.xml’])
Example output:

Update of singleFile has started.
ADMA5009I: Application archive extracted at 
Added files from partial ear: [] performFileOperation:  source=C:\DOCUME~1\lavena\LOCALS~1\Temp\ app_fb5a1960f0\ext,
 dest=C:\DOCUME~1\lavena\LOCALS~1\Temp\ app_fb5a1960f0\mrg, uri= META-INF/web.xml, op= add
Copying file from C:\DOCUME~1\lavena\LOCALS~1\Temp\ app_fb5a1960f0\ext/META-INF/web.xml to 
Collapse list is: []
FileMergeTask completed successfully
ADMA5005I: Application singleFile  configured in WebSphere repository delFiles: [] delM: null addM: null
Pattern for remove loose and mod:
Loose add pattern: META-INF/[^/]*|WEB-INF/[^/]*|.*wsdl root file to be copied: META-INF/web.xml to 
C:\asv\b0403.04\WebSphere\AppServer\ wstemp\Scriptfb5a191b4e\workspace\cells\BAMBIE\ applications\ singleFile.ear\deployments\singleFile/META-INF/web.xml
ADMA5005I: Application singleFile  configured in WebSphere repository
xmlDoc: [#document: null] root element: [app-delta: null]
****** delta file name: C:\asv\b0403.04\WebSphere\
AppServer\wstemp\Scriptfb5a191 b4e\workspace\cells\BAMBIE\applications\ singleFile.ear/deltas/delta-1079548405564
ADMA5005I: Application singleFile  configured in WebSphere repository
ADMA6011I: Deleting directory tree 
ADMA5011I: Cleanup of temp dir for app singleFile done.
Update of singleFile has ended.




Updates an application in interactive mode. Provide the application name, content type, and update options.

Example usage:

Use Jacl:

$AdminApp updateInteractive myApp modulefile {-operation add -contents c:/apps/myApp/Increment.jar -contenturi Increment.jar -nodeployejb -BindJndiForEJBNonMessageBinding {{"Increment Enterprise JavaBeans" Increment Increment. jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml Inc}}}

Use Jython string:

AdminApp.updateInteractive( ‘myApp’, ‘modulefile’, ‘[-operation add -contents c:/apps/myApp/Increment.jar -contenturi Increment.jar -nodeployejb -BindJndiForEJBNonMessageBinding [["Increment Enterprise JavaBeans" Increment Increment. jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml Inc]]]’)

Use Jython list:

bindJndiForEJBValue = [["Increment Enterprise JavaBeans", "Increment", "Increment.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml", "Inc"]] AdminApp.updateInteractive(‘myApp’, ‘modulefile’, [‘-operation’, ‘add’, ‘-contents’, ‘c:/apps/myApp/Increment.jar’, ‘-contenturi’, ‘Increment.jar’, ‘-nodeployejb’, ‘-BindJndiForEJBNonMessageBinding’, bindJndiForEJBValue])

Example output:

Getting tasks for: myApp WASX7266I: A was.policy file exists for this  application; would you like to display it? [No]

Task[4]: Binding enterprise beans to JNDI names
Each non message driven enterprise bean in your  application or module must be bound to a JNDI name.

EJB Module:  Increment Enterprise Java Bean
EJB:  Increment
URI:  Increment.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml
JNDI Name:  [Inc]:

Task[10]: Specifying the default data source for 
EJB 2.x modules
Specify the default data source for  the EJB 2.x Module containing 2.x CMP beans.
 WASX7349I: Possible value for resource  authorization is container or per connection factory EJB Module:  Increment Enterprise Java Bean
URI:  Increment.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml
JNDI Name:  [DefaultDatasource]:
Resource Authorization:  [Per connection factory]:

Task[12]: Specifying data sources for individual 
2.x CMP beans
Specify an optional data source for each 
2.x CMP bean. Mapping a specific data source to  a CMP bean  overrides the default data source for  the module containing the enterprise bean. WASX7349I: Possible value for resource  authorization is container or per connection factory EJB Module:  Increment Enterprise Java Bean
EJB:  Increment
URI:  Increment.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml
JNDI Name:  [DefaultDatasource]:
Resource Authorization:  [Per connection factory]:
Setting "Resource Authorization" to 

Task[14]: Selecting Application Servers
Specify the appserver where you want  to install modules that are contained in your  application. 
Modules can be installed on the same server or  dispersed among several servers.

Module:  Increment Enterprise Java Bean
URI:  Increment.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml
[WebSphere:cell=myCell,node=myNode, server=server1]:

For more information on how to construct the partial application zip file, see the Java API section. If you indicate the partialapp value as the content type, use the contents option to specify the location of the zip file. When a partial application is provided as an update input, the binding information and application options cannot be specified and are ignored, if provided.

Task[16]: Selecting method protections for  unprotected methods for 2.x EJB
Specify whether you want to assign security role  to the unprotected method, add the method to  the exclude list, or mark the method as unchecked.

EJB Module:  Increment Enterprise Java Bean
URI:  Increment.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml
Protection Type:  [methodProtection.uncheck]:

Task[18]: Selecting backend ID
Specify the selection for the BackendID

EJB Module:  Increment Enterprise Java Bean
URI:  Increment.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml
BackendId list:  CLOUDSCAPE_V50_1
CurrentBackendId:  [CLOUDSCAPE_V50_1]:

Task[21]: Specifying application options
Specify the various options available  to prepare and install your application.

Pre-compile JSP:  [No]:
Deploy EJBs:  [No]:
Deploy WebServices:  [No]:

Task[22]: Specifying EJB deploy options
Specify the options to deploy EJB.

....EJB Deploy option is not enabled.

Task[24]: Copy WSDL files
Copy WSDL files

....This task does not require any user input

Task[25]: Specify options to deploy Web services
Specify options to deploy Web services

....Web Services deploy option is not enabled.
Update of myApp has started.
ADMA5009I: Application archive extracted at 
C:\DOCUME~1\lavena\LOCALS~1\Temp\app_fb5a48e969\ ext/Increment.jar
FileMergeTask completed successfully
ADMA5005I: Application myApp configured in  WebSphere repository delFiles: [] delM: null addM: [Increment.jar, ]
Pattern for remove loose and mod:
Loose add pattern: META-INF/[^/]*|WEB-INF/[^/]*|.*wsdl root file to be copied: 
META-INF/application.xml to C:\ asv\b0403.04\WebSphere\AppServer\wstemp\
Scriptfb5a487089\ workspace\cells\BAMBIE\applications\ testSM.ear\deployments\ testSM/META-INF/application.xml del files for full module add/update: []

ADMA6017I: Saved document 
C:\asv\b0403.04\WebSphere\AppServer\ wstemp\Scriptfb5a487089\workspace\cells\
BAMBIE\ applications\ testSM.ear\deployments\testSM/Increment.jar\
ADMA6016I: Add to workspace 
ADMA6017I: Saved document C:\asv\b0403.04\ WebSphere\AppServer\ wstemp\Scriptfb5a487089\workspace\cells\
BAMBIE\ applications\ testSM.ear\deployments\testSM/Increment.jar\
ADMA6016I: Add to workspace Increment.jar/
ADMA6017I: Saved document C:\asv\b0403.04\ WebSphere\AppServer\ wstemp\Scriptfb5a487089\workspace\cells\BAMBIE\ applications\ testSM.ear\deployments\testSM/Increment.jar\
ADMA6016I: Add to workspace Increment.jar/
ADMA6017I: Saved document C:\asv\b0403.04\ WebSphere\AppServer\ wstemp\Scriptfb5a487089\workspace\cells\BAMBIE\ applications\ testSM.ear\deployments\testSM/Increment.jar\
ADMA6016I: Add to workspace Increment.jar/
ADMA6017I: Saved document C:\asv\b0403.04\ WebSphere\
AppServer\wstemp\Scriptfb5a487089\workspace\ cells\BAMBIE\ applications\testSM.ear\deployments\testSM/
ADMA6016I: Add to workspace Increment.jar/
META-INF/ibm-ejb-jar-ext.xmi add files for full module add/update: 
META-INF/ejb-jar.xml, Increment.jar/META-INF/
Table.ddl, Increment.jar/META-INF/ ibm-ejb-jar-ext.xmi]
ADMA5005I: Application myApp configured in  WebSphere repository
xmlDoc: [#document: null] root element: [app-delta: null]
****** delta file name: C:\asv\b0403.04\ WebSphere\
AppServer\wstemp\Scriptfb5a487089\ workspace\cells\BAMBIE\ applications\testSM.ear/deltas/ delta-1079551520393

ADMA5005I: Application myApp configured in WebSphere repository
ADMA6011I: Deleting directory tree C:\Temp\app_fb5a48e969
ADMA5011I: Cleanup of temp dir for app myApp done.
Update of myApp has ended.


Options for the AdminApp object install, installInteractive, edit, editInteractive, update, and updateInteractive commands
Example: Obtaining option information for AdminApp object commands


Related tasks

Pattern matching with the wsadmin tool
Use the AdminApp object for scripted administration