Upgrading the plug-in
The Document Manager plug-in must be upgraded to support newer browser versions.
Plug-in upgrades are automatic if you are using the Internet Explorer browser. Plug-in upgrades are not automatic if you are using the Netscape, Mozilla or Firefox browser. To upgrade a plug-in, find the browser and version in the table, then follow the associated upgrade steps.
Browser Versions Upgrade instructions Netscape 8.1 and later
- Delete the existing plug-in files Netscape_install_dir/plugins/DM*.dll, including the file npDM2.dll.
- Delete the existing plug-in file Netscape_install_dir/components/nsIDM2plugin.xpt.
- Start the Netscape browser, and navigate to Document Manager.
- Complete the on-line installation program.
Mozilla 1.7 and later Windows only:
Non-Windows platforms: The plug-in equivalent is a browser applet, which is downloaded into the browser without user-initiated install steps.
- Delete the registry keys that bind the plug-in MIME type to Document Manager by searching the registry for application/dm2-plugin under HKEY_USERS.
- Delete the existing plug-in files Mozilla_install_dir/plugins/DM*.dll, including the file npDM2.dll. Also delete Mozilla_install_dir/components/nsIDM2plugin.xpt.
- Start the Mozilla browser, and navigate to Document Manager.
- Complete the on-line installation program.
Firefox and later
- Delete the existing plug-in files Firefox_install_dir/plugins/DM*.dll including the file npDM2.dll. Also delete Firefox_install_dir/components/nsIDM2plugin.xpt.
- Start the Firefox browser, and navigate to Document Manager.
- Complete the on-line installation program.
Parent Topic
Configuring the browser to work with documents
Related concepts
Browser plug-in
Related tasks
Enabling and disabling the browser plug-in
Configuring the browser to use the plug-in
Related reference
Browsers supported by the plug-in