Use Placeholders in element designs
Use a placeholder tag to display metadata within an element design.
<placeholder tag=" " start=" " end=" " />
tag=" " Placeholder referenced...
- Name
- Title
- Href
- Namelink
- Titlelink
- Sitepath
- Idnum
- Listnum
- Treenum
- Paddedtreenum
- Depth
start=" "
end=" "Wrap data returned within other tags, such as HTML. Optional.
Placeholder types
Name Display the name of the site area or content being retrieved in a menu or navigator. Title Display the title of the site area or content being retrieved in a menu or navigator. HREF Insert a link to the page of the site area or content being retrieved in a menu or navigator. noprefixhref The URLs generated by "HREF" parameter will be fully qualified when viewed through a portal. To generate URLs with no prefix, use the "noprefixhref" parameter instead of the "HREF" parameter. NameLink Combination of the name and HREF tags. It assembles a complete link based on the name of the item being returned. TitleLink Combination of the title and HREF tags. It assembles a complete link based on the title of the item being returned. sitepath Similar to the HREF placeholder except that it only display the site path of an items URL. For example, an HREF placeholder tag displaying a content item may give you:
- /ILWWCM/connect/metaorg/intranet/press+releases
Whereas the site path will give you:
- /metaorg/intranet/press+releases
For example, an HREF placeholder tag displaying a site area may give you:
- /ILWWCM/connect/metaorg/intranet/
Whereas the site path will give you:
- /metaorg/intranet
Note that the final / slash is not included when the site path is displayed for sites and site areas.
Idnum Returns the hexadecimal id value of an item. This can be used when creating static URLs in menus and navigators. You could hard-code the site/site area path in a menu or navigator element design and use the Idnum for each content item being displayed. This would allow us to display content with a different presentation template (for example, a printer friendly presentation template) or use different security settings. Listnum Displays a single column list of numbered links:
- First
- Second
- Third
Treenum Displays a hierarchical numbered list: 1.0
2.2Paddedtreenum Similar to Treenum, but the numbers are padded: 0001
000100020002Depth Displays the depth of the currently processed node (in a navigator or menu) as a number. A top-level node has a depth of 1.
Parent Topic
Work with element designs