Specify the mail template for Domino Web Access



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On the IBM Lotus Domino messaging/application server, specify the fully qualified server name in the IBM Lotus Domino Directory Server document, and specify the database design template that is compatible with Domino Web Access.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Domino Administrator client, open the Domino Directory database (NAMES.NSF), and locate the Server document for the Lotus Domino messaging/application server.

  2. On the Basics tab, verify the Fully Qualified Domain name (FQDN) (for example, acme.sales.com) for Domino on the Lotus Domino server is specified.

  3. Register users with the Domino Web Access (iNOTES6.NTF or DWA7.NTF) mail template.

  4. If the Lotus Domino server is running a release older than 7.0, open the NOTES.INI file in a text editor and add the following setting:
    INotes_WA_SametimeServer=host name

    ...where host.name is the fully qualified domain name of the Lotus Sametime server.


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Set up awareness and chat for Domino Web Access


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Verify that Sametime works with Domino Web Access