Launcher tool

The launcher configures the run-time environment for J2EE application clients and thin client applications (not J2EE application clients). The launcher utility is located in the main entry point of the Java Network Launching Protocol (JNLP) application client. The main class launcher name is and is located in the WebSphereClientLauncher.jar file.

The launcher tool requires that the following properties are defined.

If the client that is to be run is a thin client, then this property should be specified. It specifies the class where the main entry point of the application resides.

If the client that is to run is the J2EE client, then this property should be specified. It specifies the name of the ear file to be executed. This property takes precedence over although only one of the two properties should be specified.* (required for J2EE client applications only)

There can be a set of properties that are prefixed with Each property specifies a JAR file that is to be added to the class path of the application. This JAR file is a JAR file that is already defined as a resource for the application. This file is needed so that the correct elements of the class path of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) starting the client launcher can be retrieved and added to the class path of the (JVM) that is to be spawned for the application client.

These properties are not defined in a separate properties file. Instead, they are defined as part of the Java Network Launching Protocol files.

Related tasks
Preparing Application Clients run-time library component for Java Web Start Related reference
ClientLauncher class