WSDL is the acronym for Web Services Description Language.

In WSDL a service is defined in three distinct sections:

  • The portType. This section defines the abstract interface offered by the service. A portType defines a set of operations. Each operation can be In-Out (request-response), In-Only, Out-Only and Out-In (Solicit-Response). Each operation defines the input and/or output messages. A message is defined as a set of parts, and each part has a schema-defined type.

  • The binding. This section defines how to map between the abstract portType and a real service format and protocol. For example the SOAP binding defines the encoding style, the SOAPAction header, the namespace of the body (the targetURI), and so on.

  • The port. This section defines the actual location (endpoint) of the available service. For example, the HTTP Web address at which a SOAP service is available.

Currently in WSDL, each port has one and only one binding, and each binding has a single portType. But (more importantly) each service (portType) can have multiple ports, each of which represents an alternative location and binding for accessing that service.

The Web Services Invocation Framework (WSIF) follows the semantics of WSDL as much as possible:

  • The WSIF dynamic invocation API directly exposes run-time equivalents of the model from WSDL. For example, invocation of an operation involves executing an operation with an input message.

  • WSDL has extension points that support the addition of new ports and bindings. This enables WSDL to describe new systems. The equivalent concept in WSIF is a provider, that enables WSIF to understand a class of extensions and thereby to support a new service implementation type.

As a metadata-based invocation framework, WSIF follows the design of the metadata. As WSDL is extended, WSIF is updated to follow.

The implicit and primary type system of WSIF is XML schema. WSIF supports invocation using dynamic proxies, which in turn support Java type systems, but when you use the WSIFMessage interface it is your responsibility to populate WSIFMessage objects with data based on the XML schema types as defined in the WSDL document. You should define your object types by a canonical and fixed mapping from schema types into the run-time.

For more information on WSDL, see Web services: Resources for learning.