Retrieving tokens from the JAAS Subject in a client application



In WAS v6.x, the security handlers are responsible for propagating security tokens. These security tokens are embedded in the SOAP security header and passed to downstream servers. The security tokens are encapsulated in the implementation classes for the interface. We can retrieve the security token data from either a server application or a client application.

With a client application, the application serves as the request generator and the response consumer and runs as the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) client application. The consumer component for Web services security stores the security tokens that it receives in one of the properties of the MessageContext object for the current Web services call. We can retrieve a set of token objects through the javax.xml.rpc.Stub interface of that Web Services call. You must know which security tokens to retrieve and their token IDs in case multiple security tokens are included in the SOAP security header. Complete the following steps to retrieve the security token data from a client application:



  1. Use the key string to obtain the Hashtable for the tokens through a property value in the javax.xml.rpc.Stub interface. The following example shows how to obtain the Hashtable

    java.util.Hashtable t;
    javax.xml.rpc.Service serv = …;
    MyWSPortType pt = (MyWSPortType)serv.getPort(MyWSPortType.class);
    t = (Hashtable)((javax.xml.rpc.Stub)pt)._getProperty(;

  2. Search the targeting token objects in the Hashtable. Each token object in the Hashtable is set with its token ID as a key. You must have prior knowledge of the security token IDs to retrieve the security tokens. The following example shows how to retrieve a username token from the security header with a certain token ID value unt;
    if (t != null) {
      unt = (“…”);



After completing these steps, you have retrieved the security tokens from the JAAS Subject in a client application


See Also

Security token


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