Printing and PDF versions

This topic discusses your printing options. We can print a single topic, using either the print function of your Web browser, or the print function of the information center. To print multiple topics easily, use the PDF versions of this documentation.

Printing a single topic

The Print Topic button () is located on the border of your information center.

  1. Display the topic you want to print by selecting it from either the table of contents or the search result.

  2. (Recommended) Click the displayed topic to place focus on the content area of the information center.

  3. Click the Print Topic button.

Printing the books

PDF versions of the documentation are available from the Books - documentation section of the WebSphere Application Server library page. Separate books are available for each V6 edition. The book titles include:

The V6 PDF documentation is updated within a month after an update of the information center for a minor or major release. The PDF documentation is updated less frequently than the information center, but more frequently are than the Redbooks. As a set, the PDF books contain the same content as the information center; however, each book addresses a particular product edition on one or more operating systems.


See Also

the documentation