Interoperating transactionally between application servers

This topic describes some considerations and actions that one can take to interoperate transactionally between different types of application servers.



WebSphere Application Server is a transaction manager that supports transactional interoperation with other transaction managers through either the CORBA Object Transaction Service (OTS) protocol (for example, application servers) or, for JSR-109 compliant requests, Web Service Atomic Transaction (WS-AtomicTransaction) protocol. This is in addition to its ability to coordinate XA resource managers and to be coordinated by J2EE Connector 1.5 resource adapters.

To interoperate transactionally, using the OTS protocol, between WAS v6 and versions of the WAS before v5.0, we need to set the following system properties on application servers that are before v5.0
For example, if you want to interoperate between application servers at WebSphere Application Server v6 and WAS v4.0.n, we need to set the system properties on the v4.0.n application servers.


Related Tasks

Moving a transaction log from one server to another
Restarting a server on a different host


Related Information

The Java transaction service (JTS),
The Java transaction API (JTA),
Web Service Atomic Transactions (WS-AtomicTransactions)
J2EE Connector Architecture 1.5
CORBA Object Transaction Service (OTS)