Install applications with the wsadmin tool



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We can install the application in batch mode, using the install command, or install the application in interactive mode using the installinteractive command.

Interactive mode prompts you through a series of tasks to provide information, which is converted to Jacl or Jython code, and can be used for subsequent installs. In other words, we can install an application once using installinteractive, capture the output, and then use the output to install the app non-interactively during subsequent sessions and on different WAS instances.

The archive file must end in .ear, .jar or .war for the wsadmin tool to be able to install it. The wsadmin tool uses these extensions to figure out the archive type. If the file is a WAR or JAR file, it will be automatically wrapped as an EAR file.

If you are installing an application that has the AdminApp useMetaDataFromBinary option specified, then one can only install this application on a WAS V6.x deployment target. This also applies to editing the application, using the AdminApp edit command, after you install it. If you use the V5.x wsadmin tool to install or edit an application on a WAS V6.x cell, only the steps available for the V5.x wsadmin tool will be shown.

Start wsadmin and, if required, the deployment manager before beginning


Install using batch mode on a single server installation:


$AdminApp install c:/MyStuff/application1.ear {-server serv2}

Jython list:

AdminApp.install('c:/MyStuff/application1.ear', ['-server', 'serv2'])

Jython string:

AdminApp.install('c:/MyStuff/application1.ear', '[-server serv2]')


Install on a network deployment installation only


$AdminApp install c:/MyStuff/application1.ear {-cluster cluster1}

Jython list:

AdminApp.install('c:/MyStuff/application1.ear', ['-cluster', 'cluster1'])

Jython string:

AdminApp.install('c:/MyStuff/application1.ear', '[-cluster cluster1]')


Interactive Mode


$AdminApp installInteractive c:/MyStuff/application1.ear
$AdminConfig save




See Also

AdminApp object for scripted administration
Commands for the AdminApp object
Options for the AdminApp object install, installInteractive, edit, editInteractive, update, and updateInteractive commands
Example: Obtaining option information for AdminApp object commands