Default SingleSignonToken

Do not use the default SingleSignonToken in service provider code. This default token is used by the WAS run-time code only. There are size limitations for this token when it is added as an HTTP cookie. If we need to create an HTTP cookie using this token framework, you can implement a custom SingleSignonToken. To implement a custom SingleSignonToken, see Implementing a custom SingleSignonToken for more information.


Changing the TokenFactory associated with the default SingleSignonToken


default SingleSignonToken is generated, the application server utilizes the TokenFactory class that is specified using the property. To modify this property using the administrative console, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Security > Global Security.

  2. Under Additional properties, click Custom properties.

The default TokenFactory specified for this property is called This token factory creates an SSO token called LtpaToken2, which WAS uses for propagation. This TokenFactory uses the AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding cipher. If you change this TokenFactory, you lose the interoperability with any servers running a version of WAS prior to version 5.1.1 that use the default TokenFactory. Only servers running WebSphere Application Server V5.1.1 or later with propagation enabled are aware of the LtpaToken2 cookie. However, this is not a problem if all of your application servers use WebSphere Application Server V5.1.1 or later and all of your servers use your new TokenFactory.

If we need to perform your own signing and encryption of the default SingleSignonToken, implement the following classes:



Your TokenFactory implementation instantiates (createToken) and validates (validateTokenBytes) your token implementation. Use the LTPA keys passed into the initialize method of the TokenFactory or use your own keys. If you use your own keys, they must be the same everywhere in order to validate the tokens that are generated using those keys. See the Javadoc, available through a link on the front page of the information center, for more information on implementing your own custom TokenFactory. To associate your TokenFactory with the default SingleSignonToken using the administrative console, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Security > Global Security.

  2. Under Additional properties, click Custom properties.

  3. Locate the property and verify that the value of this property matches your custom TokenFactory implementation.

  4. Verify that your implementation classes are put into the install directory/classes directory so that the WebSphere class loader can load the classes.


Related Tasks

Implementing a custom SingleSignonToken