Custody and Ownership Transfer API for the UDDI V3 Registry

The UDDI Custody and Ownership API is to transfer custody or ownership of one or more entities contained in a UDDI V3 Registry.

The UDDI V3 Registry supports only intra-node ownership transfer and not inter-node custody transfer.

The UDDI Version 3 Registry supports the following Custody and Ownership Transfer API calls:


Discards a transferToken obtained through the get_transferToken API.


Initiates the transfer of ownership of one or more businessEntity or tModel entities from one publisher to another. No actual transfer takes place with the invocation of the API. Instead, the relinquishing publisher uses this API to obtain permission from the custodial node, in the form of a transferToken, to perform the transfer. The relinquishing publisher gives the transferToken to the recipient publisher, who must invoke the transfer_entities API to actually transfer the entities.


Performs the actual transfer of entities when called by the recipient publisher. The recipient publisher must specify an unexpired transferToken on the call.

For full details of the syntax of the above queries, refer to the API specification at