Use this page to view the settings of connector modules, which are resource adapter (RAR) files that have been packaged into deployable components compliant with the J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA).

To view this administrative console page, click Applications >Enterprise Applications > application_name > RAR_module_name.

The following field descriptions correspond to properties that your assembly tool sets when you create a connector module. To learn more about the process, see the topic "Assembling resource adapter (connector) modules" in the Information Center.


Removes a module from the deployed application. WebSphere Application Server removes the connector module from the application in the configuration repository.

If the application exists on multiple nodes within WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, the product revises the configuration repository for every relevant node; that is, the product removes the module from all nodes that comprise the application scope. If you remove a connector module and the configuration synchronization takes place during runtime of the affected application, WAS stops the application, removes the module from the node file system, and restarts the application.


Opens a wizard that helps you update a module in an application. If a module has the same URI as a module already existing in the application, the new module replaces the existing module. If the new module does not exist in the application, it is added to the deployed application.

If a Network Deployment configuration synchronization occurs while the affected application is running, Application Server stops the application, updates the module on the node file system, and restarts the application. If the application is running on a node when a new module file is added (that is, established for the first time) as a result of configuration synchronization, then the newly added module is started without stopping and restarting the application.

Remove File

Deletes a file from a connector module of a deployed application.

If the application that contains the module exists on multiple nodes within WAS Network Deployment, the product removes the file from all relevant nodes during configuration synchronization. If you remove a file from a connector module and configuration synchronization takes place while the affected application is running, WebSphere Application Server stops the application, removes the file, and restarts the application.

Configuration tab


Specifies the logical path to the resource that is serviced by WebSphere Application Server.
Data type String


Specifies the display name of the connector module.
Data type String


Specifies the alternate DD of the connector module.

The alternate DD URI for a given module.
Data type String

Starting weight

Specifies the startup priority of the connector module over others.

When your application contains multiple modules, the starting weight you specify determines this module's startup priority over other modules during server startup. Modules with lower startup order are started first.
Data type String